DAoC New York Roundtable Event Rescheduled

Following this weekend’s cancellation of the Roundtable event in New York, Mythic has announced that the event has been rescheduled for February 4th. The new details:


web2zone, Inc.
54 Cooper Square
New York, NY 10003

When: Feburary 4, 2005, 6:00pm – 11:00pm EST

Who: Join members from our development, community relations, and marketing/PR teams for a little one on one. Answers to your burning questions, as well as just general “Get to know you” time with your fellow allies and enemies.

What: This is a FREE event, but we only have room for 100 guests, so don’t be late!

Meet your allies and enemies of the realms in person

Have a chance to show off your in game character during LIVE game play on 24 computers

“Making Catacombs” presentation by Destin Bales – Content Lead

Hourly raffle (Must be present to win)

Developers’ chat with members of the development team and community relations

Mingle with members of the Development, PR, Marketing and Community relations teams.

Free Food!

Free limited edition “Roadtrip” t-shirt to the first 50 people to show up.

How: No need to sign up, just show up at the door! We do have a limit of 100 guests, so, make sure you are there early.

EXTRA: The guild with the most guild members in attendance will win a special prize.

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