DAoC: New Frontiers Open Beta Tomorrow

Mythic Entertainment has announced that the public beta for their Dark Age of Camelot: New Frontiers expansion will begin tomorrow. Here’s a full snip of the news on the Camelot Herald:

New Frontiers Open Beta is starting tomorrow (on Pendragon only), and I’ve got a few things that developers and regular testers alike would like you to remember. If you’re planning to participate, please read these and keep them in mind:

– We’re trying something new this time. The closed beta was relatively short, and the open beta will be relatively long. In the past we’ve gone live a few short weeks after going to open beta – but not this time. We’re not taking New Frontiers live this month, and honestly, I don’t know of a set date for launch. We’re going to see how the next month goes before we decide.

– As a result of the longer open beta, New Frontiers is a lot more raw than “open beta” usually is. Please recognize that this is a beta, that this is not going live anytime soon, and that you will encounter much that is not fully implemented. If this unfinished state frustrates you or makes you angry (and it would drive me crazy, I know), please come back to Pendragon in a few weeks after we’ve got more done. We look forward to seeing you then.

– Again – THIS IS NOT A FINISHED PRODUCT. Please be productive, submit bugs, participate in any tests you come across, and don’t complain about things being unfinished during the beta. It is to be expected, and we appreciate our testers helping us with the process.

– A very, very rough and short “how this works” document can be found here: http://www.camelotherald.com/betaguide.php. If you’re planning to test, keep this link bookmarked, and check it often – we will no doubt make a number of updates.

– Please report bugs to frontierbugs AT darkageofcamelot DOT com.

– Please send your opinions and feedback on the new Realm Ability system to RAreview AT mythicentertainment DOT com.

– Please send all other opinions on New Frontiers to the Herald feedback form (found under “Features” on the left sidebar of the Herald), using the category “RVR Expansion.”

– The /charcopy flag will be reset at some point tomorrow (May 5). We will post here on the Herald when we reset it again.

– Instructions from developers must be followed if you’re in the area. If you do not wish to follow testing instructions, please leave the area so that you don’t disrupt a test.

– Exploiting bugs (meaning using bugs for personal gain more than is necessary for verification) without reporting them can still result in sanctions even though it’s a test server. Those sanctions range from warnings, to being banned from Pendragon, to suspension/banning of the account.

– RESPEC STONES, SEALS, ETC: Here are the directions. Read them closely:

All stones and Darkness Falls seals can be had in unlimited quantities on Pendragon. Master Level Ability stones are from tiny dragons named Mylo. Seals and other respec stones are found on imps – in Hibernia on Rulo, in Midgard on Mulo, and in Albion on Zulo. Imps selling Darkness Falls Gear are located conveniently near the imps selling seals and stones.

Tir Na Nog – Mylo, Rulo, and the gear imp is right outside the main crafting area, very near the main building with the vaultkeeper/guild/naming NPCs.

Jordheim – Mylo, Mulo, and the gear imp is on the second floor of the main building with the vaultkeeper/guild/naming NPCs.

Camelot – Mylo, Zulo, and the gear imp is by the second forge/tradeskill merchant set – not the ones by the roundtable and guild guys, but the other one.

– Please be polite to each other. If you just want to look around and not test, that’s fine (well, not FINE, but it’s open beta and we can’t stop you, eh? ;)), but don’t disrupt people either playing or testing. And if someone helps you out, thank them. If they don’t have a dev tag, they’re doing it for love and warm fuzzies, so don’t hold back on either 🙂

Thank you all, testers, in advance for helping us make New Frontiers more fun for everyone.

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