DAoC Deep Look

An enthusiastic beta-tester over at CamelotHQ has detailed his adventures in that soon-to-come MMORPG that seems to get better with every beta revision (so I’ve read), Dark Age of Camelot, with a new second impression of the game after putting in more time with the beta. It covers twinking, death, graphics and downtime as compared with another mildly popular MMORPG (mm hmm, riiight), EQ:

I think one of the best things in DAoC is that there is very little downtime which leaves a LOT more time for playing and having fun! I have never been in a group at any level that I can remember where we have had to wait more than 90 seconds before being able to fight another mob, with or without a cleric in the group. This to me is amazing. I play DAoC to have fun and I get to have fun playing the whole time! No more just sitting on my butt staring at a spell book for 10 minutes like I did in EQ, I can actually play DAoC and have a good time!

Being a high-level Wizard myself when I played, I know what he/she’s saying.

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