Damien Foletto Interview

Icewind Dale fansite Icebound has conducted an interview with Black Isle’s Damien Foletto, in which they talk about the upcoming sequel to IWD, what game BIS is working on next, changes to 3rd Edition D&D, and more. Here’s a taste:

    Q:If you ran BIS, what game would you make sure was made?

    A:Planescape II, or a game based solely from the perspective of the drow. The political infighting, the strategizing, their warped sense of what is right and wrong, etc., would make, what I think, a very interesting game to play and design. Imagine creating a character in a world where everyone on the outside thinks you’re the most evil society around, but you think you’re the good guys who are superior, violently shunned, and misunderstood. Besides, it’s good to be bad once in a while.

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