Cthulhu Saves the World Reviews

Considering the really low price and the fact it’s bundled with another game from the same developer, Breath of Death VII, Cthulhu Saves the World may already have found its way on the hard drive of some of our readers, but in case you’re still on the fence, we have some review for the retro RPG.

RPGamer, 4.0/5.

Even before considering the ridiculously low price point, Cthulhu Saves the World is a very enjoyable game. While there is obviously some room for improvement, the humourous retro appeal negates any impact the flaws might have made quite well. Adding the price into any calculations, there is almost no argument against the extraordinary value for money Cthulhu Saves the World provides. Those looking for an easy-to-pick-up and entertaining RPG experience would have to work very hard to find a better option.

Wired Controller, 9/10.

Combining suburb gameplay, pristine writing and great artistic decisions, Cthulhu Saves the World is simply an outstanding game. While it may only last around seven hours there is some replay value with the variety of bonus modes packaged in with the game. Even so, the price must be considered: At only 240 Microsoft Points on the Xbox Live Indie Arcade or $3.00 on Steam for the computer, the decision to buy this game is a no-brainer. Cthulhu Saves the World is must-play for every gamer classic RPG lover or not.

Elder-Geek, 4/5 “Worth Buying”.

All in all, Cthulhu Saves the World scratches an itch we’ve been nursing for quite some time. If we took away one thing from our experience playing the game, it’s that every element feels well thought-out and well-implemented. We’re not saying the game is perfect, but it’s definitely a stand-out title in a sea of mediocre competitors. Simply put: this game does things right, and those of you looking for an affordable RPG fix need look no further.

Couch Athletics, scoreless.

Cthulhu Saves the World is definitely easy enough to play with your left hand. While I don’t care what you’re doing with your right, I do offer one suggestion. Use it to drop $3.00 into a developer’s pocket and pick a great game with a great story and even greater humor within. This is a game that gets us away from all the serious tones and allows us to soak up some of the dry humor it has to offer. It’s a game that can be played on just about anything because the requirements are quite low. Cthulhu Saves the World has been a great breath of fresh air from all the bad things that I’ve picked up recently. While other games were driving me insane due to certain let downs, Cthulhu Saves the World drives me insane for good reasons.

Strategy Informer, 9.0/10.

One final item of note is the price. Cthulhu Saves the World is only purchasable in a double-pack with Zeboyd’s other RPG Breath of Death VII. The price of this pack on Steam is £1.99. Hence this sprawling, deep, funny and frequently touching RPG essentially costs less than a pound. Often it is complained that games are overpriced, but Cthulhu Saves The World is significantly under priced. Regardless of cost, this is a quality game, but at that absurdly low price there’s really no excuse to deny yourself of it.

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