Cthulhu Saves the World Reviews

We have a couple of new reviews for Cthulhu Saves the World, the comedic indie RPG which has recently been released on PC, bundled with another indie RPG in the same vein, Breath of Death VII: The Beginning, should the price point of $2.99/€1.99 not be enough to convince you to give them a chance.

IGN, 8.0/10.

Poking fun at H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu mythos in the framework of a classical Japanese role-playing game may not be the most obvious choice when dreaming up a game. Yet that’s exactly what Zeboyd Games chose to make, and with Cthulhu Saves the World, pulled it off with great success. It’s a surprisingly entertaining adventure, deeply respectful of its source material, and not afraid to make jokes and game design adjustments where appropriate. Though the story is always good for a laugh, the gameplay drags toward the end, and if you missed out on old Final Fantasy games or aren’t familiar with Lovecraft some of the humor won’t make as much sense. Still, for its sliver of a target audience traditional Japanese role-playing fans that happen to love H.P. Lovecraft’s stories Cthulhu Saves the World is a perfect fit. For the rest, it’s still easy to enjoy, even if you don’t get all the jokes.

gamrReview, 8.6/10.

Cthulhu Saves the World reminded me of playing Earthbound as a kid, and I don’t say that lightly. The unusual RPG setting, crazy enemies, and palpable sense of humor made me curse Nintendo once again for not putting my favorite RPG of all time on Virtual Console. I really loved the battle system’s sense of urgency for bosses even though it couldn’t quite transfer that over to every fight. RPG fans should definitely do me a favor and pick this game up so that hopefully Zeboyd can continue with their unique approach to the genre. I really look forward to their next release, and it’ll be a day one purchase even if I have to actually pay into the double digits.

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