CRPG Interview With Obsidian’s Ferret Baudoin

NWN2News has conducted an interview with Obsidian Entertainment’s Ferret Baudoin, in which the lead designer answers several questions about the past, present, and future of CRPGs. Here’s a bit to get you started:

Q: When do you feel we will ever see another Fallout or BG2 type epic game?

A: I’ll counter with a question of my own are several dozen hours of gameplay really necessary for a game to be an epic? Does it necessarily even help? You mention Fallout, but Fallout didn’t have to take that long to complete. When I think epic RPGs, I think of games that captivated me with their story, their world, and fun. Fallout certainly fit the bill for me on that count. By that definition of RPGs, I think the future looks pretty rosy for the fans.

But if you mean strictly a long epic game I believe so. I’m an optimist. I think if you make a fantastic long game people will play it, tell their friends, and it will sell. I know examples of good games for whatever reason didn’t sell, but usually a good game sells well.

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