Crimson Alliance Reviews

We have another small batch of reviews for the XBLA-exclusive co-op-oriented hack’n’slash Crimson Alliance, and they all lean towards the positive side for Certain Affinity’s title.

Totally Gaming Network, 9/10.

If you are looking for a light hearted dungeon crawler with light rpg elements then you really must try Crimson Alliance. The replayability the title has will depend on the person playing but I can see myself going through it multiple times with different friends. Going through it on co op it took me a little over five hours to go through and if you choose to go through it by yourself it should take a bit longer. If you have always wanted to try other titles in the genre, such as Torchlight, but were intimidated by how much there was to do or how much time you would have to put in then be sure to check out Crimson Alliance. It will give you a taste of what those games are like and you’ll probably find yourself having a lot of fun.

Xbox Hornet, 6/10.

If I’ve spent a lot of time talking about multiplayer looting and fantasy storytelling, that’s because those two facets are the primary focus of Crimson Alliance. Other considerations, such as graphics, or combat depth, have been pushed a little to the wayside, but that’s not meant to be as insulting as it sounds: Crimson Alliance is not intending to give a lifelike visual appearance or have a visceral 25-point dismemberment anatomy. Crimson Alliance is a game where you take one of three characters, colour code them to your preference, and then decimate wave after wave of monster, collecting weapons to decimate monsters faster and to find better weapons. If you want a lootin’ tootin’ dungeon delver, there are only a few choices on XBLA, and of those, Crimson Alliance has carved itself a valuable niche with its well-flushed local and online multiplayer, as well as its interesting payment options.

For mindless fun, sometimes simple pleasures work just fine.

Decades in a digital world, 9/10.

To close I’d say it seems funny that during a time when traditionally the video game universe goes into hibernation and great games are few and far between, the arcades have delivered one of the best runs of genuinely top class titles ever seen. Crimson Alliance continues this run and more than that, it may even be the icing on the summer arcade extravaganza.

Aim 2 Kill, 4/5.

The game feels much like Gauntlet, given the top-down RPG style of gameplay. Once you eventually get the hang of the game, you can quickly take down a room full of goblins without any troubles at all.

Honestly, if you enjoy any RPGs of any sort, you should at least give the trial a try. It’s definitely worth a try to any RPG fan. I’ll have to give it a 4 out of 5.

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