Conglomerate 451 Early Access Updates

Back in May, RuneHeads and 1C Entertainment launched their procedurally-generated cyberpunk dungeon crawler Conglomerate 451 into Steam Early Access with the goal of fully releasing the game by October. With that in mind, you may be interested in checking out some of the game’s Early Access updates. The latest one, for example, introduced a number of drug-related features, as well as three difficulty levels to choose from. Here are the patch notes:

Hello everyone,

DRUGS have arrived to the city of Conglomerate! Meet with shady drug dealers throughout the sector 451 and buy drugs that can be used during combat in order to improve your stats and gain special abilities just watch out for the addiction and intoxication leading to mental disorders…

Early Access Update 0.4.0


  • Drugs! In the city, now you can meet a drug dealer, to buy drugs. You can use them during combat, in order to improve your stats and gain special powers. Using drugs DOESN’T count as an action in your turn, so you can use as many drugs as you want BUT…
  • Intoxication and Disorder: … drugs mean intoxication and the intoxication will bring your character in a world of mental disorder. So… be careful!
  • Detox Center: If a character develops a disorder, you can heal him using the Detox Tank (you need to unlock them using the Healing Technology Researches)
  • SPU(s) Vendor: In the city, you can meet an SPU(s) vendor, where you can buy or sell the rarest SPU(s)
  • Difficulty Levels: Now, creating a new game, you can select 3 different difficulty levels (Easy, Normal, Hard). The already game in progress will be converted in Normal
  • Effects Stack: now different effects from different sources (i.e. Cyber Limbs and Skill Effects) that add bonus or malus to the same stats will stack together


  • Fixed the navigation in the option/controls page with the GamePad


  • Added some missing strings


  • Rebalanced the Healing Credits cost


  • Seizing the opportunity of working on the Disorder System, we rework from scratch also the Pain and Trauma System. Now you should find fairer
  • Now the final missions rewards and the other rewards are separated. This means that if the player will fail a mission, he will save all credits, techs, and lifeine found in the crates until that moment
  • Now you can disable the Gamepad Rumble in the options menu
  • Now the SPU(s) have different names: you should find more easy using them
  • Improved the Hacking tutorial texts

The other recent updates added some new features, new content, and a new mission type, while also dealing with miscellaneous bugs and issues.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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