Comics & Video Games, Part Four

Yahoo Games Domain has released the fourth and final installment of their comic book/video game feature, this time speculating as to which games should be made into comic books and providing a glimpse of what comic book related video games are heading our way in the future. How about Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic?

A large mythology, the moralising of good verses evil and light sabers? We’d make this ourselves if we had the ability. Or the fact LucasArts would probably sue the snot from our noses for touching the license.

Chances: Erm, well, it’s already out. Kinda. A series of comics –Dark Horse’s Tales of the Jedi– were created back in the 90s surrounding the KOTOR sub-franchise, which revolve around a different part of the era from the Xbox title. Nothing as substantial has been made around the series since, but it would make sense.

With a wealth of Star Wars comic books are already on the shelves, and the fact this series so far is without the constraints of being within the film’s chronology means plenty more story material. There’s obviously ample of appeal and staying power in the Star Wars brand too, even if you think George Lucas is killing it with his prequels. With the third film around the corner (with a nice trailer doing the rounds now), 2005 would be the ideal time to kick off a new paper-based series…

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