Comic MMO War Looms has put together an article entitled “Comic MMO War Looms”, in which they offer some thoughts about the impending competition between City of Heroes/Villains, Sigil Games’ Marvel MMORPG, and SOE’s DC Comics MMORPG. A taste:

Microsoft with their huge marketing apparatus, almost endless financial abilities and some of the best game developing studios on the market at their fingertips, has the potential to produce great Superhero-MMOGs for us to enjoy. Sigil Games (Vanguard – Saga of Heroes) has been tasked with this project. Combined with Microsoft’s game development prowess, the Marvel franchise is predestined for incredible character customization options. Who would not like to play Xavier, Wolverine, Storm or Spiderman in a multiplayer game after all? Questions that remain to be answered are: how exactly is it going to work? What happens if you want to play as Wolverine, but someone before you already had the same idea? Will we see dozens of Wolverines, Wolverinees, Wulverines and X-Wolverine-X’s? Will you have to play a (lesser hero) if your favourite character is already taken? Will the (big names) be playable at all? How will the various superhero universes, which are not normally interconnected, fit into one MMOG? Can we play villains too?

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