Colors of Origin

Ianstorm, after months of begging, scored 14 new shots from the MMORPG sequel Ultima Worlds Online: Origin for our viewing delight.

On a tangent:
I’m sure you’ve probably noticed, but there’s something different about the art in Origin. More than just one thing actually…. For one, it has a sort of Giants: Citizen Kabuto-esque quality to the characters. Jagged yet smooth, alien yet still human at the same time. Secondly, the colors are a variety of earthy tones. They’re very colorful within that spectrum, both cool and warm, but also natural looking and I think that this is a good thing. There aren’t a lot of garish colors and a definite balance of the cool (sky, textures, skin) to warm (wood buildings, earth, armor).

If a gun was held to my head and I had to classify EQ’s color scheme, I would say higher values of colors, brighter, but also less of a saturation of gradient. Definitely rapid value changes, rather than the gradual blending of colors. In general this type of scheme is more active and anxious.

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