Colony Ship: A Post-Earth Role-playing Game Interview

Iron Tower Studio released a combat demo for their upcoming Colony Ship RPG a few days ago. And if upon checking it out you now would like to learn more about the game, you should direct your attention to this RPG Watch interview with Iron Tower’s Vince D. Weller that goes over his studio’s design sensibilities, Colony Ship’s setting, and even pizza toppings for some reason. For example:

RPGWatch: Now that introductions are out of the way, please tell us a bit of the Colony Ship RPG. What is the background of the game ? How will it play ? Mechanically, is the game Age of Decadence in space ? How will players move from location to location in this new game ? How will exploration work ?

It’s a generation ship game, meaning a colony ship traveling at sub-light speed, the voyage taking centuries (and many generations of the would-be colonists). Naturally, the game would be boring if everything went according to plan and everyone knew their place, so a mutiny brings in much needed chaos, destroys the old order and half the ship in the process, and creates three main factions plus a score of smaller groups.

While Colony Ship is based on the same design principles as AoD, I wouldn’t call it AoD in space as the differences are fairly significant: party instead of single character, turn-based stealth instead of text-adventure, learn by using instead of point-buy, stronger focus on exploration and secondary locations, etc.

As for the travel system, you’d have to reach each new location ‘manually’ since they are all interconnected. You start the game in a container town sitting in one of the cargo holds. You’ll be able to explore the locations surrounding the cargo hold, although you won’t get far without better gear and skills. If you want to get to the Habitat (a mega ‘building’ housing the three main factions), you need to cross the Factory (industrial decks between the cargo hold and the Habitat). Crossing such locations will always be a challenge, so you won’t be able to simply run for the exit.

Once you’ve reached a location, you’d be able to fast-travel there.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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