Code of the Savage Update #23 – Bugs and Birds

This month’s Kickstarter update for Geoff Jones’ old-school Ultima-inspired RPG Code of the Savage shows off a couple of new features that have recently made their way into the game. First, there’s the new insect swarm spell that is sure to bring some chaos to the battlefield, and then, there’s the fact that birds now fly away when you try to approach them. Here’s a video that shows off the new spell:

And here’s a quick look at the new bird behavior:

More on that:

Hello all,

This will only be a small update. I started a new job recently, and have been away on training for 2 weeks in another city. So I haven’t had a lot of time for development. I did manage to get some writing done while I was away, though.

Anyway, as the title suggests, I have added bugs to the game. You can summon them by casting the swarm spell, then selecting an unlucky target… The swarm will attack the closest living thing (including the caster) Each individual insect is its own entity and will move independently to the rest of the swarm. They also emit their own randomized buzzing sound, so the more there are, the larger the swarm will sound. They each have a chance to sting the target if they are in range, so running away from them is advised. In future updates, you will be able to purge the swarm by using certain fire spells. See the video below[…]

Another minor addition, birds now fly away if approached[…]

A new demo version 0.350 has been added to the dropbox folder. Have fun casting swarms onto unsuspecting villagers.


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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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