Class Viability in Camelot

Sanya made a post on the Camelot Vault message boards today about the viability of classes during different points of the game. Here is the post:

Dunno about you guys, but I remember when enchanters were considered a “useless” class in EQ…. point being, things change depending on the circumstances. The siege equipment/spell guy – is he useless at level 10? I guess. Is he still useless in a relic raid? Uh, no.

It’ll be even harder to label classes in Dark Age. I made a little kobold shaman for fun, after seeing someone on this board describe them as “little swiss army knives.” But I put my points into healing, not buffing. Am I now useless in a group that already has a healer? I can see it now:

“Group seeks kobold shaman, whose stat points are in agility, and who put all their skill points into augment. NO HEAL SKILL POINTS PLZ!!!!1!”

You can find the entire thread here.
Thanks Sanya!

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