City of Villains Q&A

OGaming has conducted an interview with Cryptic Studios’ Jack Emmert, in which the creative director and lead designer talks about the recently released City of Villains. Here’s a taste:

Q: Apart from the obvious getting to play a bad guy how, specifically, does City of Villains differentiate itself from this original title?

A: First, every bit of City of Villains (CoV) content reaps the rewards of our CoH experience. Over the past year, we’ve added a lot of new tech into City of Heroes. We were able to inject this into City of Villains from the very start. Our missions are more diverse our zones more immersive our villains more interesting etc.

Second, City of Villains introduces a brand new gameplay element: bases. People complained that City of Heroes was about only one thing: combat. Now the City franchise is also about something else: building. Players can create customized property that enhances their gameplay.

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