City of Villains Interview

GameZone has conducted an interview with Cryptic Studios’ David “Zeb” Cook, in which the senior staff designer reveals some of the design choices the company made during their soon-to-be-released City of Villains. Here’s a bit to get you started:

Q: When you went to create City of Villains, you were really treading ground in the MMO genre that had not been touched on before. What did you feel you absolutely had to do to make this a viable product?

A: “We had to make it fun, first and foremost, to make it a really viable product. After that, specifically with City of Villains, you had to make people feel like they are a villain but at the same you don’t want it to be this random chaotic psycho-killers-in-the-street kind of thing. We really wanted to make them feel more like a comic book super villain. That was really a big aspect of it.

Part of it was giving them more feeling that they were controlling their own destiny. A lot of times in City of Heroes that is very easy, you’re a hero. People yell for help and you show up and solve the problem. With the villain, it’s a little bit more like ‘˜I want to get involved in things, I want to create problems.’ So we tried to figure out ways to make that happen a little more.”

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