City of Heroes Reviews

Another pair of reviews for Cryptic’s City of Heroes have hit the web, and they’re both positive. The first is over at GameShark with an overall score of 4.5/5:

City of Heroes is a lot of fun to play. Whether you want to go it Lone Wolf or re-create the Teen Titans, there is something in it for everyone. And unlike many MMORPG’s it is very simple and can be played by even a role-playing neophyte. There is only one drawback to this game and that is its infancy. City of Heroes is still new to the market and we have yet to see what Cryptic and NCSoft have in store for us. It would be a criminal act to let a gem like this languish into mediocrity from neglect. Content updates serve a far higher purpose than to simply add features to the game, a simple invasion of Kings Row by the 5th Column not only makes the city feel more alive, but makes the players feel more a part of that living city.

And the second is at with an overall score of 8.6/10:

As a whole, City of Heroes seems almost Diablo-inspired in its fast style and task setup. Running around the city and beating up thugs is nice and all, but that is really all there is to do currently. Aside from completing missions alone or in a group, you’ll be hard-pressed to find something to spend your off-duty time on. This means there is no crafting, no player-versus-player combat (although the upcoming City of Villains expansion promises otherwise), and no secondary pursuits. A hero’s life really is just fighting crime. Despite all this, I never really tired of giving thugs what they had coming. Even on my way to a mission, I often stopped to save a poor old lady from a low-level bad-guy, just because it was so fun to tear him to shreds, or blast him with balls of fire. The fast-paced game-play allowed for this freedom, as there is little downtime between fights and travel is pretty quick-even without power enhancements. It is probably the fact that City of Heroes is so innovative and new that the repetitive nature is so much overlooked and almost appreciated. And with the upcoming City of Villains expansion, the added player-versus-player element will really enhance an already incredible game.

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