City of Heroes Reviews

The buzz for Cryptic Studios’ City of Heroes continues, with three more reviews making their way to the web. The first is at 1Up with an overall score of 8/10:

Solo players will quit after about 10 hours, since by then, any enemy worth your time to kill is too tough for such a thing to be possible. However, once you’ve managed to team up with a group of heroes you can get along with, CoH turns into a great game. The different super powers all have unique effects to keep combat visually entertaining, so you’ll keep watching as a horde of robots gets annihilated by your team’s multi-colored assault of fire, ice, claws, and brain rays while you vow your strung-out ass is going to bed after just one more mission.

The second is at Games Domain with an overall score of 8/10:

Too many MMORPGs have similar features, gameplay styles, and settings. City of Heroes is more original in what it leaves out than what it includes, and is a very pleasant break from the norm. Its stripped-down nature means there are few genuinely bad character choices, and the sidekick and grouping systems suit both casual and hardcore players. Dust off your shiny spandex jumpsuit, because City of Heroes is the most original MMORPG of the last few years.

And the third is at TeleFragged with an overall score of 86%:

City of Heroes is a great MMORPG with solid, fun gameplay and a style all its own. It doesn’t seem like high level players have much to look forward to, but time will tell if new and exciting stuff will open up for them. While CoH seems a little less ambitious than other MMO games, but it just means that Cryptic has spent the time to really make their game work right.

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