City of Heroes Q&A

The folks at Coldfront have published a Q&A with “CuppaJo”, in which NCsoft’s associate community coordinator reveals some information about himself and City of Heroes. Check it out:

Q: Are you actively playing City of Heroes? What archetypes and powers do you enjoy playing the most?

A: I am actively playing – not as much as I would like. I sit down at the computer to play but stop to check the boards before I do and often times get sidetracked.

My main is a defender which I enjoy a lot. I really like getting in a large group and being the healer while we go against large mobs. If you have a good group that plays well together and a good hunting spot it can be tons of fun with tons of reward. I love that.

I have alts of every other type, but the only other alt I play with any frequency is a blaster. I don’t like chasing things.

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