City of Heroes Interview, Part Two

Warcry has posted the second portion of a new interview with Rick Dakan, in which the former lead designer of City of Heroes talks about his involvement with Cryptic Studios, writing the City of Heroes comic series, and more. A snip:

Q: Apart from the CoH comic, what else is currently in the works at Blue King Studios?

A: Well, we’re finally getting back on track with Macbeth, which has been languishing for ten months while the artist did work that pays him much better (a decision I can’t fault). But he’s back on the job and hopefully we’ll wrap that all up in the next three or four months and be able to print that bad boy. It’s a complete text adaptation of Macbeth, which will be a five issue mini-series.

State of Fear, my sort of experimental comic, is also coming along, with the first three issues done art wise and ready to be lettered and laid out. Boy and Robot was going strong until I hired the artist to do the colors for City of Heroes, but he’s working his schedule so he can get back to that. We also have a title called Black Heart Irregulars that’s in the works, with a brilliant artist from Argentina doing great work. Hopefully all of those will hit in the next year.

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