City of Heroes Diary #4

Eurogamer has released their fourth diary for Cryptic’s City of Heroes, this time focusing on making it through a taskforce. Here’s a little something to start you off:

In normal play, you receive your missions from assorted contacts around the city, and take each on in turn. While the tasks set by most form a proper story-arc, they’re experienced piecemeal. It’s rare you’ll zoom through all the missions from one person, as you skip around and perform tasks your friends wish to do (“Okay – first we’ll stop the bomb at the dam, and then we’ll go and prevent that bomb beneath the City Centre.” “No fair! We did your task first last time!”). Taskforces differ, being set by a superhero and played through by a single group – hence “taskforce” – in a single large lump. Once you’ve committed to one, you’re not able to do anything else unless you quit the group.

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