City of Heroes Bumper Sticker Contest

Cryptic Studios’ official City of Heroes website has been updated with the details about a new bumper sticker contest they have begun. Here’s the gist of it:

It’s’s true… we’re looking for a few good City of Heroes-related slogans to slap on bumpers across the nation, and we want them to come from you!

We’ll present the 6 best ideas we receive to our Marketing Dept. for bumper sticker consideration and as a reward, each of the winners will pick one of their in-game characters to receive a coveted cameo appearance in issue 8 of the CoH comic book.

So put those thinking caps on and in 10 words or less, come up with the shortest, catchiest phrase you can think of that best captures the spirit of CoH! Judges will consist of NCsoft Corporation and Cryptic Studios, Inc. employees and winning submissions will be picked based on creativity and relevance to the City of Heroes game.

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