Cindy Bowens Interview

Playgrrl has conducted an interview with Sigil Games’ Cindy Bowens, in which the community relations manager answers questions about her position in the gaming industry. An excerpt:

Her job now with Sigil provides her an opportunity to really be involved with the Vanguard community. I asked her to describe what a day at work for her is like.

Cindy: A huge part of every day for me is spent answering emails and instant messages and phone calls. I am the main contact for the public for Sigil. So I get tons of emails on everything from Beta questions to employment openings… and everything else you can imagine! I work with all of the administrators from our Vanguard fan sites and other general sites. I help coordinate interviews and anything else they might need from us. So a big part of my day is spent communicating with our future player-base.

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