Chris Taylor Interview

The Electric Playground has posted an interview with GPG’s Chris Taylor, talking about none other than Dungeon Siege and the huge following it has received around the world:

    Q: The Dungeon Siege press release quotes you as being a “gaming visionary.” What are your thoughts on that; selling the game on your name?

    A: Hmmm.. yeah. There aren’t a lot of words available to really describe someone like me. Someone who cares so much about the business, who is artistically invested, almost more so than I am financially, in terms of I’m not doing this for money. If I wanted to do this for money, I wouldn’t be doing this because there are a lot easier ways I think to make money. So they try to use words like “visionary” or “illuminary” or something, but in truth I think it’s because there is no word to describe someone who just is so into what they’re doing they want to share it with people.

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