Chris Mancil Interview

Matteon of Shadowbane Sage had the opportunity to interview Chris “Vosx” Mancil, Ubi Soft’s community manager for the upcoming MMORPG Shadowbane. Here’s a snippet:

    Matteon: Is there a possibility of movement using arrow keys or a first person view?

    * Vosx shrugs*

    Vosx: Its not currently in, but I don’t know what beta will bring. The reason arrow movement is out (I believe) is because when you push a movement arrow – it sends constant commands to the server and then back – this creates lag.

    Matteon: Hmm, never thought about that… I like that question a lot more now 🙂

    Vosx: With the point and click there is one command sent, and the server works it out. That way lag is reduced overall. It’s not a bad system actually – its weird at first but you get really used to it fast – I don’t notice it much now. But Like I said, I don’t know what beta will bring.

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