Champions: Return to Arms E3 Preview

GameSpy has put together a preview of Champions: Return to Arms, based upon their impressions of the PS2 sequel at this year’s E3. A snippet:

The structure of the game has been revised a tad, too. There are 12 different major levels to trudge through, with five to six mini-levels to cover while visiting. Each world has a personality all its own, like the vicious cobalt in the Plain of War. A hybrid man-dog-monkey (or something of the sort), they attack in hordes, tearing into your flesh in packs of 10 to 15 at a time. It’s not a pretty sight. Once you’ve cleared your path to the end of each map, you’ll be greeted by a main boss like an irritated fire dragon, pissed off most likely because he’s currently trapped in a land covered by ice. Ice + fire dragon = not so nice. That resentment proves to be a mighty challenge.

But the game isn’t over once you’ve charged through each of the plains just once. Going back in rewards players with medals in the form of new player skins, permanent attribute upgrades, special weapons and armor, and even online maps.

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