Champions of Norrath Reviews

Champions of Norrath is the subject of two more positive reviews from around the web. The first is over at WorthPlaying with an overall score of 9.2/10:

Overall, this game is very solid albeit the few bugs here and there. Some of you may hate it for this, and some will love it. The most major bug I’ve seen so far is the fact that the game freezes at times. Because I’ve been lucky and save every so often, I haven’t lost crucial data that would frustrate anyone if they lost hours of work. Another bug was mentioned about the CG scenes where at times it just goes black, and finally, there was the issue with the long pause before the talking. The load time can also be a factor in this game, taking a good amount of time to load the CG scenes and new dungeons which thankfully doesn’t occur that often. However, one thing I love about this game is that the single player and online modes are identical, allowing you to import characters to either one and making it easier to level your character whenever your pals can’t play. I do wonder if this game will support the HD, because patch updates would make this game great. Also, if there is a possibility to have new levels, people may enjoy this game much more. Of course, the HD may also help on load times. If you are looking for a fun hack and slash game, this may be the one calling for you. But don’t take my word for it; go try it out and decide for yourself.

And the second is at GameOver with an overall score of 90%:

Champions is a very large adventure, only bolstered by the fact that there are multiple sidequests and missions to undertake, not to mention the three difficulty levels which are unlocked as you complete the entire game. Add to that the multiplayer, and you do have a ton of replayability. However, there are definite problems to be found within the game, some of which makes play rather tedious. First of all, continually having to travel back to cities via portals or gate scrolls to cash in your items can be a little annoying, especially since your characters can only carry a certain amount based on their strength stat. Inevitably, you may find yourself spending many more stat points on endurance to turn your character into a killing packmule or disgarding items entirely than continually return to a (civilized) area.

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