CCP Talks World of Darkness Cancellation

Eurogamer has published a few thoughts from CCP CEO Hilmar Veigar Pétursson concerning World of Darkness’ cancellation and its troubled development cycle. Unfortunately, it seems it’s too early to talk about the future of the property:

“When we looked at what we had and what we aimed to do, there was a discrepancy that would have taken still even more time to get it to a place where we and the team wanted it to be,” he said when we sat down to talk. “And the gap was just, frankly, too much. And this was the point in time to stop it.

“This was a big decision for us and we’re just getting through that. Now we’re focusing on the Eve universe and we’re not ready to comment about what’s going to happen to the [White Wolf] licence. That will be for a later date.”

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