Carbine Studios Staff Spotlight Q&A: Eric DeMilt

It’s been half a year since the last (and first) staff spotlight, and now Carbine Central offers a new spotlight interview with senior producer Eric DeMilt as they continue working on their MMO.

What computer game, regardless of genre, seems to have had the greatest impact on your desire to work in the computer gaming industry?

[ED:] Wasteland – without a doubt! Wasteland was a post-apocalyptic role playing game and was the first computer game I really got sucked into. I’d played a lot of different games up until that point and had a lot of fun with them but Wasteland was the first one that really drew me into a world. My friends and I would play it for hours, each naming and developing a different member of the party and argued over what actions to take in combat (it was a turn based game.) and who got what loot (Ghetto MMO 3 high school kids and an Apple II.). Anyway, the game was brilliant and I was hooked but wanting to make games and actually turning it into a career still seemed pretty disconnected. It wasn’t until I stared at Interplay as a tester a few years later and found myself working with some of the people who had developed Wasteland that I thought that making games was anything more than just a thing a lucky few got to do for a living.

I’ve still got a copy of the Wasteland Survival Guide, and the C64 version discs and manuals on my office bookshelf today.

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