Camelot Versus EverQuest

GameSpy has written up an article that compares many of the features of the two most popular MMORPGs on the market right now, EverQuest and Dark Age of Camelot. And it looks like the article sways to the side of DAoC, with this opening statement:

I’ll have to eat some crow. I’d read about the game and followed it to some extent, and I just didn’t see it really muscling into the massively multiplayer marketplace with the kind of strength its shown. I thought the game would struggle to get 100,000 subscribers, the typical first-rung goal that these kinds of online games have. Now it looks like Dark Age of Camelot will zoom past every other game besides EverQuest, and it wouldn’t surprise me if it challenges that game for industry leadership at some point. Mythic has a smash hit here.

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