Camelot Version 1.52 Design Goals

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas stopped by the Camelot Herald to post some news about where Dark Age of Camelot is heading with the upcoming v1.52 patch. Here’s a snippet:

    Our fearless producer already shared with you some things:

    – Bolt Problems
    – Population Imbalance on Servers leading to one realm owning all keeps
    – Melee issues in general in RvR
    – Support classes not getting their fair share of Realm Points
    – Light Tank issues (Blademaster/Mercenary especially)
    – Stun/Mez breaking (resisted more, more ways to break out of it)

    In addition, we’re taking a look at the following:

    – Travel time involved in getting back to the action on the frontiers
    – Assessing bounty point rewards
    – Removing the to-hit multiplier as we have already done on Mordred/Andred (in other words, lower levels can hit higher levels, with the damage modifiers being strictly that of armor and weapon/spell level, and not the player’s level)
    – Combat Styles as they relate to RVR

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