Camelot Producer Notes

Matt Firor posted an update on Camelot Herald to let everyone know what developments to expect (and not to expect) for DAoC in the coming month. Here’s a snippet:

    We know that many players of Camelot are devoted to the Assassin classes of the game (Infiltrator, Shadowblade, Nightshade). Camelot launched with the classes implemented, but not fully effective. Since release, we’ve added a lot to these classes, including the addition of Safe Fall, redoing combat styles so that these classes do more damage than they used to, and tuning up the way that envenoming weapons (and poison damage) works. We know we’re not done with the class – we have a couple of high level skills to add, and there’s always tuning and tweaking to be done. However, the proliferation of high level assassin classes shows that the classes are now viable.

One thing that I foresee as a problem with changing/tweaking classes in DAoC (as compared to other MMORPGs), is that high-level characters have already placed their specialization points in certain skills. With all these changes being implemented for assassin classes (with more coming), will there be some way for high-level characters to reallocate their points?

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