Camelot Patch Notes

Straight from the Camelot Herald:

Dark Age of Camelot

Test Version 1.70ag Release Notes

June 18, 2004



– Fixed an issue where some monsters in Deep Volcanus would blink in and out periodically as they were fighting.

– Damage over time spells can no longer be cast on objects.

– Brittle Guards cast by Necromancers are now friendly instead of neutral.

– When Bodyguard fails because the user is preparing a shot or casting, it will now print a message to the user.

– Bodyguard will no longer borrow a re-use timer from Camouflage.


– Trueshot’s error messages now correctly report the name of the ability as Trueshot instead of Longshot.

– (PvP Server Only) The snare component has been removed from the RvR death sickness for the PvP ruleset.

– (PvP Server Only) Keeps of level 5+ will now correctly give the keep take award to anyone in the area that doesn’t belong to the owning guild. The realm point pool will also be correctly divided based off of guild.

– (Bug Fix) Player controlled boats with passengers on them will no longer delete themselves.

Battleground Changes

– Leirvik, the level 40-44 Battleground, has had one NPC added to each realm’s portal keep. This new NPC will cast an Underwater Breath spell upon players who interact with it.

Realm Ability Changes and Fixes

– (Bug Fix) The Bonedancer’s unique realm ability, Allure of Death, will now shapechange you into a green-con monster named ‘fossil guardian’.

– The Bard’s unique realm ability, Dreamweaver, will no longer shapechange you into the appearance of any pure caster.

– (Bug Fix) Spells cast by Bards who are under the Dreamweaver effect now play spell effects (such as resist animations, crowd control ZZZs, etc) on their target. They still will have no visible effects on themselves and no casting animations at all.

– (Bug Fix) The first level of the Vanish realm abiity no longer gives the character any speed bonus. The character will now move at normal stealth speed (plus any Mastery of Stealth bonuses).

– (Bug Fix) If the Vanish realm ability is triggered and fails because the player is carrying a relic or controlling siege weaponry, the realm ability timer is reset.

– (Bug Fix) The Mentalist’s unique realm ability, Selective Blindness, now breaks when the mentalist initiates an aggressive action on the target.

– (Bug Fix) Ferocious Will now correctly gives the player an absorbtion buff that ticks up by 5% every 5 seconds for a max of 25% at 25 seconds. Previously this ability was giving the player a 25% buff for the first tick of the ability.

– (Bug Fix) The Fury of Nature and Spirit Martyr heal pools no longer are multiplied by the number of people in the character’s group.

– The Champion Badge of Valor RA has been modified to “cap” on additional damage at the Scale/Chain absorb level. Champions should do similar damage to Scale/Chain/Plate-armored characters (which is significantly greater a bonus than vs. Leather or Cloth).

– First Aid and Ignore Pain should no longer get Wild Healing criticals.

– The Savage’s unique realm ability, Blissful Ignorance has been changed to fire off all available Savagery abilities for free. The 30 second window for further free usage of Savagery abilities has been removed.

– Moving while preparing an Assassination now cancels it. The delve for this ability has been adjusted to match the change made to this ability.

Siege Changes and Fixes

– Players are no longer able to take control of a ram or ride on a ram when hidden. If a player is controlling or riding siege, they are no longer able to become hidden.



– Cotswold has undergone merchant renovation, many of the NPCs in the town now have combined stores and some missing stores in order to reduce time spent looking around for a specific store. Please note that we will be renovating other towns in Albion, Midgard, and Hibernia in a future version.


Item Notes

– The Siege Lore spells on the Fool’s Bow and Bruiser artifacts have been changed from a charge to a weapon proc. The damage multiplier on the Fool’s Bow has been increased to match Bruiser.

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