Camelot Patch Notes

Straight from the Camelot Herald:


Dark Age of Camelot

Test Version 1.70ad Release Notes

June 15, 2004



– (Pendragon Only) Heal spells will only fail if you are at full health if the spell is able to be cast on yourself only (Realm Abilities or self instant heals, in other words).

– A cap of 50% has been placed on the possible chance to gain a critical hit for melee and archery combat, direct damage spells, damage over time spells, and healing spells. Note that in the current realm ability system, the only way this cap could be breached was through combining the Mastery of Pain and Dual Threat realm abilities. Please note that the Berserk ability is an exception to this and has not been changed.

– Summon spells will now check line of sight to their “summon destination” (this is usually about 64 units in front of the caster). If they don’t have line of sight, they will summon at the caster’s feet instead.

– Crystal Titans and Battlewarders are no longer able to attack illegal targets (for example: keep doors).


– Only one instance of a given type of combatant can be purchased at any given time per keep piece. For example, if you already have a runemaster attached to a hookpoint on a keep piece, you cannot attach another runemaster to that piece. The primary reason for this change is to limit the number of ranged guards that can be placed on hookpoints to defend the keep, to help address the difficulties melee classes encounter during keep attacks. We will be watching feedback closely regarding this change, and we will make adjustments as necessary.

– There should now be a 50% chance of missing targets which are riding rams and more than 100 units below you.

– Damage adds will now correctly apply to arrow shots fired from Volley.

– Players can no longer teleport through doors or teleport between keeps if they are mezzed, paralyzed, or rooted.

– Following pets will now check line of sight before backing up from their controller when he becomes too close. This should help prevent some of the situations where pets could be forced to back through doors.

– Hookpoints now check versus the max active for a given piece when the keep is upgraded/downgraded. For example, if a keep with a merchant on an amenity hookpoint drops to level 1, the amenity merchant goes away as there are no amenity hookpoints active at that level. Likewise, if there are three guards on a level 10 wall, and the keep drops to level 1, you will lose two of them, keeping the most recently purchased one. However, if the most recent one is on a hookpoint that ceases to exist (such as the points on the second level of a tier 4 wall), you will lose him as well.

– It should no longer be possible to drop a boat when the closest keep is within 16000 units and belongs to an enemy.

Realm Ability Changes and Fixes

– The Mercenary unique realm ability, Blinding Dust, now correctly causes archers to fumble.

– Mastery of Concentration will not debuff a spell’s effectiveness if a Necromancer also has Facilitate Painworking active.

– Necromancers no longer have access to the Augmented Quickness and Augmented Constitution realm abilities. These RAs do not affect the Necromancer’s pet, and their usefulness to the untransformed Necromancer is minimal.

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