Camelot Patch Notes

Straight from the Camelot Herald:


Dark Age of Camelot

Test 1.70y Version Release Notes

June 8, 2004



– Petcast spells that would fail when the player’s pet is in combat now correctly abort before casting, triggering timers, using power, etc.

– Objects can no longer do critical hits from procs or reverse procs.

– Players are no longer required to have 1 skill point in Siegecraft to control, aim, and fire siege equipment.


– Volley no longer bypasses bladeturn spells.

– Players now need to take all four towers in order to teleport into a keep. Note that the central keep still determines supply chains.

– Respec’ing your realm abilities no longer prints the last update message twice if your resistances, power, or hit points update.

– Piece condition no longer affects downgrading keeps.

Realm Ability Changes and Fixes

– Minstrels no longer have access to Mastery of Stealth. This change was made with version 1.70x, but was not documented.

– Purge will only set its re-use timer if it actually removes a negative effect.

– The Nightshade’s unique realm ability, Remedy, has been reworked. It can now be used from stealth (although it cannot be activated while mesmerised or stunned). It now also has delve information. The health subtracted from the nightshade now is levied when the ability expires. Since Remedy is now ability-based instead of spell based, it now uses an ability toggle icon in the effects bar which cannot be delved and is different from the realm ability’s hotbar icon.

– Characters now drop out of combat mode when they try to take a swing at someone who has debuffed them with Selective Blindness. Ranged combat and spell combat targeting with Selective Blindness has not been changed, just melee.

– Characters that have the Vanish effect can no longer be targeted at all by snare, mesmerise, and stun spells (area of effect or otherwise). Previously area of effect versions of these spells would target Vanished players.

– The Necromancer version of Negative Maelstrom no longer is petcasted. It is now cast by the shade and now follows the same rules as master level ability storms and necromancers (i.e. the shade must be close to their pet to trigger the realm ability).

– Necromancers who try to cast storms while too far from their pet no longer trigger re-cast timers.

– Thornweed Field now delves as casting a 50% snare at all realm ability levels and variable damage, depending on the realm ability level.

– Petcasted realm abilities should no longer have missing information in spell delves.

– The Mastery of Concentration realm ability now levies the specified effectiveness penalty on spells when used (previously it was ignoring purchased levels and setting spell effectiveness to 100%).

– Fixed delve information for Assassinate and Vanish realm abilities.

– Players can now use the Assassination realm ability on Necromancer pets.

– Using the Testudo unique realm ability now slows you to 75% of your normal movement speed. Using a style will cancel the Testudo realm ability.

– Dreamweaver now properly breaks whenever the bard enters combat mode.

Siege Changes

– Messages have been added to let the ram helpers know fire timing and damages.

– A message has been added to let the ram controller know to add more helpers when under-helped.



– We are in the process of adding a free full respec for all classes at level 5. Upon promotion to an advanced class, players will be offered a free full respec by their trainer. Trainers will only offer this respec while players are level 5. The following classes now have access to this respec:

Albion – Paladin, Cleric, Theurgist, Friar, Armsman, Scout, Cabalist, Mercenary, Infiltrator
Midgard – All classes
Hibernia – Warden, Eldritch, Hero, Ranger

– The remaining classes will have access to this ability with the next patch.

– Please note that in order to use the respec granted to the character, you must type /respec all in front of your class trainer.


New Artifacts

– We have added three new, lower level artifacts to Oceanus. The artifacts are Orion’s Belt (can be obtained at level 30), The Ring of Unyielding Will (can be obtained at level 35), and the Gem of Lost Memories (can be obtained at level 30). The researchers and apprentices in the Haven of Oceanus have teasers for the encounters and information on where to locate the scrolls. The sphinx Callia also has riddles related to the encounters.

– Once the locked artifact and completed book have been obtained, they can be taken to the following researchers in either the Hall of Heroes or in the Haven of Oceanus for activation.

Albion – Scholars Shamira and Khalial
Midgard – Loremistresses Margit and Vendela
Hibernia – Sages Linyive and Narvla

Item Notes

– Many pieces of Albion studded armor were incorrectly set to use leather dyes. These have now been corrected to use enamels.

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