Camelot Patch Notes

Straight from the Camelot Herald:


Dark Age of Camelot

Test Version 1.70p Release Notes

May 20, 2004



– /gc info now displays the following in regards to keeps – Outpost controlled and its current level, the update timer and the cost for the hourly update, the total time to upgrade the keep/tower from 1 to 10, and, if the keep/tower is currently upgrading/downgrading, it shows the level it is moving to and how long until it gets there.

– You will now be able to port to any coastal keep if you own all of your own keeps, the coastal keep you are porting to, and at least three of the coastal keep’s towers.

– The Frontiers oceans and rivers have been populated with underwater monsters.

– Instances of invalid class/race combinations for keep guards all over the Frontiers should be eliminated.

– We have added a “slick rock” ground texture to many of the one-way areas in the game, to give players a better visual indicator of the one way slopes.

Tower and Keep Claiming, Upgrading, and Maintenance

– Keeps now cost 500 guild bounty points to claim. There is no up front cost to set the upgrade level.

– Keeps have an hourly guild bounty point fee based off of the current level of the keep. The fees per level are as follows: 50, 50, 50, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, and 1000.

– Keeps take varying times to upgrade based off of level. The upgrade times per level are as follows: 12 minutes, 12 minutes, 12 minutes, 12 minutes, 24 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, 8 hours, and 16 hours.

– Towers cost 50 guild bounty points to claim. There is no up front cost to set the upgrade level.

– Towers have an hourly guild bounty point fee based off of their upgrade level. The fees per level are: 5, 5, 5, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 100.

– Towers take 12 minutes to level, regardless of level.

– Level 5 and higher towers and keeps upgrade times are affected by realm relic ownership.

Siege Changes

– Boiling Oil now has a pour animation when used.

– The hitpoints on the field ballista and field catapult have been increased.

– The damage values for a few siege engines have been tweaked a little. War rams and field ballistas should now do more damage, while palintones should do less.

Realm Ability Changes and Fixes

– Please note that Volley will still affect players inside of outpost towers. Volley will temporarily remain on a 15 minute re-use timer while we address this issue.

– The Soldier’s Barricade realm ability now correctly blocks the specified percentage of damage, will no longer break in combat, and its delve has been fixed. Soldier’s Barricade does not stack with the “focus shell” line of spells introduced in version 1.69.

– The realm ability, Vanish, now correctly clears all damage over time spells and damage over time poisons on the character when activating. Persons who take damage while under the effect of Vanish will no longer destealth.

– Thornweed Field now correctly uses a variable duration as defined by the casters’ realm ability attribute instead of lasting forever.


– Teleportation into a battleground will not check for a realm point cap for players to gain admittance into that battleground. This is a clarification to the patch note in version 1.70o.

– Players will not earn realm points in the first three battlegrounds – Proving Grounds, The Lions Den, and The Hills of Claret. (Please note that Proving Grounds and The Lions Den are still unavailable for testing at this time)

– Players will be able to earn realm points in each of the remaining battlegrounds, however, there will be a limit to the number of realm points players can earn in each battleground. After they have reached this limit, killing other enemy players will not grant any more realm points (players will still be able to participate in that battleground until they exceed the level cap). The realm point limits for the battlegrounds are as follows:

Realm Rank 1 Level 3 – Killaloe
Realm Rank 1 Level 4 – Thidranki
Realm Rank 1 Level 6 – Braemar
Realm Rank 2 Level 0 – Wilton
Realm Rank 2 Level 5 – Molvik
Realm Rank 3 Level 0 – Leirvik

– Players who log out in a battleground not designed for their level will be placed in the appropriate border keep.


Item Notes

– The Guard of Valor artifact now requires less experience to level. This is a retroactive change.

– The Corroded Circlet of Sutekh (Albion) now has a bonus to Piety in place of Intelligence.

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