Camelot Patch Notes

Straight from the Camelot Herald:


Dark Age of Camelot

Test Version 1.70m Release Notes

May 6, 2004



– Necromancer pets are no longer affected by the Summoning Mastery Convoker ML ability.

– The new melee pet attack messages sent to their owners have been moved from the Attack/Other to the Attack/Self channel.


– There is now a dynamic position indicator on the realmwar map to show your current location on the map.

– Melee and spell damage from non objects (Players or Monsters) against objects (Gates, Walls, Siege equipment) has been cut in half.

– Players should no longer receive the ‘Error! Player already awaiting JUMP!” message when trying to zone. (Pendragon Only)

– Additional amenity item merchants have been added to each keep, and can be purchased via the blue hookpoints located near the gatehouse. The merchants are available for purchase for upgraded keeps of level 2 to level 10. The merchant types are as follows:




Poison Merchant

Arrow and Bolt Merchant (Albion)

Arrow and Throwing Weapon Merchant (Midgard)

Arrow Merchant (Hibernia)

Bounty Merchant

– Characters killed through RvR that are not in a named region will now correctly print the name of the zone they were killed in the broadcast message.

– Attacking keep pieces with seige will no longer sometimes give the “can’t be hit there” message for targets that are inside.

– We have altered the upgrade time for high level keeps based on relic ownership. The times to go from level 5 to 10 are altered based off the following formula:

0 relics owned: Time is 3.2 hours
1 relic owned: Time is 8 hours
2 relics owned: Time is 24 hours
3 or 4 relics owned: Time is unchanged (32 hours)
5 relics owned: Time is 48 hours
6 relics owned: Time is 64 hours

– /gc info displays total time (in hours) for a complete transition from level 1 to 10 for the keep the guild currently owns (if any).

– We have reduced the start time for automatic repairs on a keep to one hour from six hours. A keep and all of its doors will now begin repairing at a rate of 5% per hour one hour after they were last attacked.

– We have fixed an issue that was causing players to sometimes get the message (You have been forcibly removed from your vehicle!) on boats.

– The following merchants will no longer sell boats in the New Frontiers, but they will continue to sell the underwater breathing potion:


Cidric Wade


Lisebet Batelskerinne



– Relic pillars will now remain lowered for 30 minutes once they have been activated. Pillars that have had their relic removed in this time frame will stay lowered until the relic is returned.

– Fixed for the wrong milegates opening in Hibernia. (Pendragon Only)

Realm Abilities

– Please note that the new Realm Ability system is described in more detail here:

– The Necromancer’s First Aid RA will now heal the necromancer’s pet.

– Whirling Dervish will now only be granted to classes that cannot specialize in a weapon. All players that currently have Whirling Dervish have had the RA removed and the points spent for that ability refunded.

– Mastery of Concentration will now have a 30 second duration.

– Rangers and Hunters no longer receive Mastery of Concentration.

– Speed of Sound now breaks on the following: when initiating melee combat, or when casting a spell that is not a heal or resurrect spell.

– Charge will no longer drain endurance, no longer requires a target to use, gives the user greatly increased movement speed and prevents the user from being mesmerized, stunned or snared/rooted.

– The Spiritmaster should now have access to Bedazzling Aura.

– The realm rank 5 class unique realm abilities should no longer appear on the realm ability lists of class trainers.

– The following realm abilities should now be available for use by the Necromancer class: First Aid, The Empty Mind, Negative Maelstrom and Ichor of the Deep. Please note that the use of these realm abilities requires that the Necromancer be in shade form with the company of a pet.

– Necromancers can now use Mystic Crystal Lore and Raging Power while not in shade form.

– Vanish and Charge no longer stack with other speed spells.

Siege Changes

– Rams will no longer require 1/4 max passengers to begin moving.

– Siege ammo will no longer hit targets who are considered “Inside” which essentially means they have a roof over their head. This will include walkways on ramparts currently.

– Hitting the fire button with no target will no longer make labels disappear on the Siege Control window.


Diminutive Siege Apparatus:
Ingenious Spellcrafters and Alchemists have worked together to find a way to make siege engine components more compact and easier to transport. Their research has led to the invention of the Diminutive Siege Apparatus, which allows one to condense the siege engine components into one handy box to transport, one for each type of basic siege engine available in Siegecraft. In addition to taking up less space, each Diminutive Siege Apparatus also weighs less than the sum of its components. A Diminutive Siege Apparatus may be used like any other item with a charge. When used, the chosen siege engine will appear at the owner’s feet, and the used Diminutive Siege Apparatus will disappear.


– Small rams and siege rams now require a separate ram beak.

– Catapults and trebuchets now require a separate ammo bucket.

– Many siege components have been reduced in weight.

– Siege components are now available at 400 skill, instead of 500.

– Quantities have changed in siege component recipes due to recalculating the new desired cost and weight.

– The chance to gain a skill in your main trade when making a siege component has been reduced to practically nil, due to reduced costs.

– The Diminutive Siege Apparatus section is available to all trades (Alchemy, Spellcrafting, Armorcraft, Fletching, Tailoring, and Weaponcraft). The skill level of these recipes is set to 800, but they will not show up till a player has reached rank 9.

– Regular siege merchants and the Siegecraft Supplies merchants in housing have been updated to include a few new components used in siegecraft.


– Added a new category called Transmutative Precipitants, which contains a recipe for a ‘flask of glacial essence’.

– Moved siege components to the bottom of the recipe listing

– Removed the bucket recipe used in crafting the old catapult/trebuchet.

– Moved siege components to the bottom of the recipe listing.

– Added a catapult ammo bucket and a trebuchet bucket recipe.

– Added a new category called Transmutative Precipitants, which contains a recipe for a ‘frosted gem of condensation’.

– Moved siege components to the bottom of the recipe listing.

– Moved siege components to the bottom of the recipe listing.
– Added a small ram beak recipe, while changing the existing ram beak recipe to siege ram beak.


Volcanus Quests

– The Great Forge – Players that have done the quest multiple times should now be able to turn in the second siam-he devotee ear to Sudari on Step 9.


Albion Quests

– Sir Tilian has been moved from behind the zone wall. (Pendragon only).

5:45 PM EDT additions:


– You can once again zone in and out of New Frontiers. (Pendragon Only)

– The tower guards and captains have returned to inside their towers. (Pendragon Only)

6:30 PM EDT addition:

– Targetted spells that also have a radius component should no longer fire off the radius portion of the spell when fired at a keep piece, siege equipment piece, or player you’re involved in a duel with.

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