Camelot Patch Notes

Straight from the Camelot Herald:


Dark Age of Camelot

Test Version 1.70c Release Notes

April 21, 2004



– Requesting the realm war map near a portal stone that cannot be ported to now displays the teleport status of keeps correctly.

– Players can no longer left click on attackable keep doors to teleport through them. Players will need to right-click on the doors in order to teleport.

– Structures will no longer generate scouting reports for the realm that owns the structure (for example, if a group of Midgard players passes by a structure owned by Midgard, no report will be generated).

– Siege equipment should now automatically begin arming when you /control it.

– Siege equipment which has a base ammo set will no longer give a “You must load..” error message when attempting to fire.

– At Keep Upgrade level 10, a new honor guard contingent will spawn around the Keep Lord to protect him.

– All guards are now set to normal testing levels.

– All doors and structure walls are now set to normal testing levels.

– We are in the process of resolving pathing issues with the fast attack boats in each frontier. Please be aware of these when using these boat routes in the New Frontiers.

– The Dockmistress of Pennine Mountains has had her location moved to the dock near Caer Boldiam on Essum Isle. The fast attack boats leaving from Pennine will now make a stop at this dock.

– The following Dockmasters and Dockmistresses will no longer delete the fast attack boat tickets that are handed to them if a different boat is already at the dock. The merchants will now return the ticket to the player’s inventory. The merchants will now also return the correct ticket item to the player’s inventory if the ticket is returned to the player.

Dockmaster of Hadrian’s Wall
Dockmaster of Cruachan Gorge
Dockmistress of Mount Collory
Dockmaster of Emain Macha

Movement in New Frontiers

– Players will move at 50% speed when wading in water.

– Players will be slowed down when moving up hills with steep slopes.

– Please note that these effects will only take place in the New Frontiers areas, not anywhere else.

The Realm Point Pool

– Currently in testing is a Realm Point pool. As players are killed around a keep, bonus Realm Points are added to a Realm Point pool that is awarded on a successful capture or defense of a keep.

– We have changed the Realm Point pool message to reflect whether you have successfully defended or assaulted the keep.

Tradeskill Updates

– The Siegecraft recipe list has been reworked to reflect siege engine changes for New Frontiers. Please note that these recipes are still in testing and are subject to change.

– The Siege Ammo store has been updated to reflect the new siege engine changes.


– The Shrouded Isles client will now use the new XML user interface that was introduced with Trials of Atlantis.

– You may choose from the Shrouded Isles UI, Classic UI, or Transparent UI, using the new XML interface.

– Custom skins are not allowed using the Shrouded Isles client.

– Any interface features previously marked as ‘ToA Only’ (such as quiver, Master Level window, extended buffing window, etc) are now available under the Shrouded Isles client.

– The options menu has been updated to be more user-friendly, similar to the Trials of Atlantis options menu.

– Players using the ‘New Classic’ client (accounts that have only purchased the Classic expansion, but are running with the Shrouded Isles engine) will also now use the new XML user interface.


– The portal ceremonies have been changed. The portal master and his lackeys will no longer walk down to the teleport pad. They will now remain stationary on the pad at all times. A single player must right click the master to initiate the ceremony. Once the ceremony is cast, all players on the portal pad wearing a medallion of passage will be teleported to their destination.


Item Notes

– The shapechanges cast by the Shades of Mist and Traitor’s Dagger artifacts should now work consistently while the player is running or in a crowded area, regardless of their target.

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