Camelot Patch Notes

Straight from the Camelot Herald:


Dark Age of Camelot

Test Version 1.68f Release Notes

February 13, 2004



– The pets from the Animist’s Constraining Spirit line should now attempt to root the targets in the area even if they are already rooted.

– EDIT, 2:28 PM EST: Forest’s Core, in the Animist’s Creeping Path base line, should no longer be instant casting its spell; it should now have a three second cast time.

– The Elder Sporespawn, in the Animist’s Creeping Mastery spec line, should now hit its target appropriately.

– The Dancing Flame spell line, in the Animist’s Creeping Mastery spec line, should now fire on its target appropriately, even if the target already has the effect.

– Theurgist and Animist pets will no longer cast an effect graphic on the caster’s current target.


– Standard item drops (items not created by the unique item generator) will now have reduced haste, damage, and range bonuses. This adjustment includes the following: melee haste, archery haste, spell haste, melee damage, style damage, archery damage, spell damage, archery range, and spell range. Along with this change, other bonuses on each item have been increased to retain the value of the item. This change applies for new item drops and any items received prior to this version. For more information on this change, please go to


– To address the issue of players maxing out their completed quest list, we have done two things. First, we have added the ability for players level 26 and over to clear out specific quests from their completed quest list. Currently a selection of quests that fall in the level 1 to 15 range will be cleared with the exception of guild track quests from levels 7 to 50. To clear a quest, speak to one of the “Quest Journalists” scattered throughout the land and they will search through all your completed quests and delete any quest that matches their list of quests and delete them for you. On Gaheris and Mordred, players may speak to any Quest Journalist, not just the one from their realm to have quests deleted.

– The second thing we have done is added a maximum level cap to the level 1-15 quests that can be cleared. The cap is 10 levels over the starting level of the quest. So if a quest can be received at level 15, only players level 15 through 25 can obtain this quest. This will prevent players from repeating quests once they have been deleted from their completed list. The exception to this rule is the level 1 through 4 trainer quests, which have been capped at level 5. These quests do not affect players beginning their guild track quests at level 7. Also, the guild track quests do not have a maximum level cap.

– Please note that this is only for quests you have previously completed. Once they have been cleared, you will not be able to do the quest again. Quests that you still have pending in your journal cannot be cleared by a Quest Journalist. Quest Journalists can be found at the following locations:

Camelot Classic

– Cotswold entrance to Camelot (Albion)

– Humberton entrance to Camelot (Albion)

– Mularn entrance to Jordheim (Midgard)

– Vasudheim entrance to Jordheim (Midgard)

– Mag Mell entrance to Tir na Nog (Hibernia)

– Connacht entrance to Tir na Nog (Hibernia)

Shrouded Isles

– Gothwaite Harbor Portal (Albion)

– Aegirhamn Portal (Midgard)

– Grove of Domnann Portal (Hibernia)

Trials of Atlantis (All Realms)

– Hall of Heroes

– Oceanus Portal in Oceanus Hesperos

– Stygia Haven

– Volcanus Haven

– Aerus Haven


Midgard Quests

– Dark Places of the Soul – Players are now able to trade the Herbalist’s Tunic of Power.



– The spawn rate of all of the hall guards and patrols has been greatly reduced. This will make it easier to travel throughout Krondon’s caverns to reach the boss encounters.


Aerus Encounters

– We have fixed a bug that could cause Katri to become unkillable if her personal guard was killed before reinforcements came.

Temple of Twilight

– Antioos will only give players the ‘Tasks for Antioos’ quest once now. If players have received the quest more than once, it will be removed from their pending list when they receive credit for killing Medusa.

Deep Volcanus

– We have fixed an issue where the Katorii encounter could get stuck if an entire raid were to die or leave the dungeon before killing Katorii.

Bracelet of Zo’karat (All Realms)

– We have fixed a bug that was allowing all classes to obtain this item, although it is intended for pure casters and healing classes only. A requirement has been added to the Bracelet so that only pure casters and healing classes may equip it. Additionally, only pure casters and healing classes may activate this artifact from now on. Any class that had previously activated the Bracelet of Zo’karat and now cannot use it may return it to one of the following researchers and receive their locked artifact and book back so that they may be traded or sold to another.

Albion – Scholars Margoria or Colene

Midgard – Loremistress Tyraa or Loremaster Torolf

Hibernia – Sages Darragh or Kelleigh

Traldor’s Oracle (All Realms)

– We have fixed a bug that was allowing all classes to obtain this item, although it is intended for pure casters and Friars only. Any class that previously activated Traldor’s Oracle but cannot use it may return it to one of the following researchers and receive their locked artifact and book back so they may be traded or sold to another. Only pure casters and friars may activate this artifact from now on.

Albion – Scholars Margoria or Colene

Midgard – Loremistress Tyraa or Loremaster Torolf

Hibernia – Sages Darragh or Kelleigh

Aten’s Shield (All Realms)

– We have replaced the Golden Flames proc on Aten’s Shield with a damage shield. The Golden Flames spell was, under certain cases, causing players to not receive credit for completing encounters. We will be adjusting the spell in a future patch to give this shield a more appropriate ability.

Artifact Notes

– Jacina’s Sash will now earn experience from killing Atlantean centaurs in addition to Atlantean sphinxes and enemies from other realms.

– Traldor’s Oracle – The Friar version of this artifact has had the melee haste and style damage each reduced by 1%. The piety bonus has been increased by 3.

– The Harpy Feather Cloak – The melee haste on the cloak has been reduced by 5%. The parry skill bonus has been increased by 1.

– Mariasha’s Sharkskin Gloves – The archery haste and archery range bonuses on the gloves were each reduced by 2%. The slash, crush, thrust, heat, cold, and energy resistance bonuses have been increased by 1% for each.

– Scepter of the Meritorious – The melee damage bonus on the Scepter was reduced by 3%. The strength and dexterity bonuses have been increased by 2.

– Fool’s Bow – The archery haste, archery range and archery damage bonuses on the Bow have been each reduced by 2%. The Dexterity and Quickness bonuses were each increased by 2 and the archery skill bonus was increased by 1.

– Aten’s Shield – The summoned trident of golden flame has had the melee haste bonus reduced by 2%. The hit point bonus has been increased by 8 hit points and the strength bonus has been increased by 4.

– Eirene’s Chest piece – All versions of the chest piece that have Style damage and Melee damage, had each of those bonuses reduced by 1%. The crush and thrust resist bonuses were each increased by 1%. Each version of the chest piece that have spell range and spell Damage bonuses had each of those bonuses reduced by 1%. The crush and slash resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.

– The Scorpions Tail – The spell haste bonus on the ring has been reduced by 2%. The power percentage bonus has been increased by 1%, and the armor factor bonus has been increased by 2.

– The Golden Spear – The melee haste bonus was reduced by 1% and the style damage bonus was reduced by 4%. The strength bonus was increased by 2, the dexterity bonus was increased by 2, and the slash, crush, and thrust resistance bonuses were each increased by 2%.

– Nailah’s Robe / Vest – The spell range and spell damage bonuses were each reduced by 1%. The crush and thrust resistance bonus were each increased by 1%.

– Crocodiles Tooth – The melee haste bonus was reduced by 3%, the Style damage bonus was reduced by 2% and the Melee damage bonus was reduced by 1%. The Strength and Dexterity bonuses were each increased by 6.

– Snake charmers Whip – The melee haste bonus was reduced by 2%, and the melee damage bonus was reduced by 1%. The heat, cold, energy, matter, body, and spirit resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.

– Snake charmers Greave – The melee haste bonus was reduced by 2%, and the melee damage bonus was reduced by 1%. The heat, cold, energy, matter, body, and spirit resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.

– Snake charmers Scythe – The melee haste bonus was reduced by 2%, and the melee damage bonus was reduced by 1%. The heat, cold, energy, matter, body, and spirit resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.

– Golden Scarab Vest – All versions of the vest that have archery range and archery damage bonuses had each of those bonuses reduced by 1%. The crush and thrust resist bonuses were each increased by 1%. Each version of the vest that had the style damage and melee damage bonuses had each of those bonuses reduced by 1%. The crush and slash resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.

– Battler / Magma Battler – Each version of the Battler / Magma Battler had the melee haste bonus reduced by 2% and the melee damage bonus reduced by 1%. The slash, crush and thrust resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.

– Bruiser / Magma Bruiser – The versions of Bruiser with melee haste and style damage had each of those bonuses reduced by 1%. The spirit and energy resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%. The remaining versions of Bruiser / Magma Bruiser were unaffected.

– Jacina’s Sash – The spell piercing bonus on the sash was reduced by 1%. The spell duration bonus on the sash was increased by 1%.

– Braggarts Bow – The archery haste bonus was reduced by 3%, the archery damage bonus was reduced by 2%, and the archery range bonus was reduced by 1%. A bow skill bonus of 3 was added.

– Guard of Valor – Any version of the chest piece that had more than 2 of the newly capped bonuses had those reduced by 2% each. Two of the score cap increase bonuses were increased by 1.

– Belt of the Sun – The sun weapons Melee damage, and Style damage bonuses were each reduced by 1%. The sun weapon melee haste bonus was reduced by 5%. The skill bonus was increased by 1 and the strength bonus was increased by 6.

– Belt of the Moon – The Moon weapons had the spell haste bonus reduced by 2%. The power percentage bonus was increased by 1%.

– Phoebus Harp Necklace – The summoned harp had the spell haste bonus reduced by 3%. Slash, crush and thrust resistance bonuses were added at a 2% value.

– Bracelet of Zo’arkat – The spell range bonus was lowered by 2%. The matter, body and spirit resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.

Item Notes

– The Legs of the Mutilator has had its second bonus to Dexterity changed to Quickness.

– The Conflagrant Short Sword (Albion & Hibernia) and the Conflagrant Hatchet (Midgard) have had their proc damage increased slightly.

– The Voltaic Great Hammer, Voltaic Great Sword, Voltaic War Pick, Voltaic Hooked Spear, and Voltaic Battle Spear have had their proc damage increased slightly.

– Lucky Failm (Hibernia) now increases charisma instead of intelligence.

– Pants of the Transfixer (Hibernia) now increase quickness in place of a second dexterity bonus.

– The particle effect on the Elven Dagger of the Breeze (Hibernia) has been changed to one that should fit the blade better.

– The bonuses on the Call of the Desert Leggings (Skald) have been changed. The casting haste is now melee haste and the heal bonus has been changed to score cap – charisma.

– The Statuesque Eye (all realms) has been adusted to have the proper amount of imbue points.

Partial List of Item Changes

– The following is a partial list of items changed that had a significant bonus reduction for damage, range, or haste.

– The Shawl of Clouds (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Constitution 15, Spell Damage 2%, Power Cap 10, Matter Resist 6%, Slashing Resist 9%

– The Sash of the Calm (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Dexterity 15, Spell Damage 2%, Armor Factor 16, Spirit Resist 6%, Debuff Bonus 10%

– The Bracer of Snow now (all realms) has the following bonuses: Acuity 24, Spell Range 2%, Casting Haste 2%, Body Resist 9%, Spell Duration 10%

– The Belt of Thunder (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Melee Damage 2%, Constitution 22, Energy Resist 8%, Spirit Resist 8%, Body Resist 6%

– The Belt of the Zephyr (all realms)now has the following bonuses: Spell Damage 2%, Constitution 22, Energy Resist 8%, Spirit Resist 8%, Body Resist 6%

– The Ring of the Torrent (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Casting Haste 2%, Crushing Resist 11%, Slashing Resist 10%, Thrusting Resist 10%

– The Cyclone Bracer (all realms)now has the following bonuses: Melee Haste 2%, Crushing Resist 11%, Slashing Resist 10%, Thrusting Resist 10%

– The Ring of the Cyclone (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Acuity 15, Spell Range 2%, Power Percentage 10%, Energy Resist 9%, Hit Points 40

– The Bracelet of the Zephyr (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Spell Range 2%, Dexterity 18, Matter Resist 8%, Cold Resist 8%, Fire Resist 8%

– The Bracer of Thunder (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Style Damage 2%, Strength 18, Matter Resist 8%, Cold Resist 8%, Fire Resist 8%

– The Gem of the Twilight (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Style Damage 2%, Dexterity 16, Body Resist 8%, Envenom skill 4, Hit Points 52

– The Great War Hammer of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Hammer 3, Hit Points 64, Hits Cap 56, Score Cap: Constitution
6, Melee Damage 2%

– The Great War Axe of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Axe 3, Hit Points 64, Hits Cap 56, Score Cap: Constitution 6,
Melee Damage 2%

– The Great Spear of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Celtic Spear 3, Hit Points 64, Hits Cap 56, Score Cap: Constitution 6,
Melee Damage 2%

– The Ancient Forged Vest (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Left Axe 3, Score Cap: Constitution 8, Score Cap: Dexterity 9, Melee Damage 2%

– The Mace of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Crush 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Great Hammer of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Melee Skill All 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The War Pick of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Melee Skill All 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Mace of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Crush Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Dagger of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Thrust Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Blade of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Slash Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Chain of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Flexible Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Long Hammer of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Melee Skill All 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Glaive of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Melee Skill All 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Great Hammer of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Hammer Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Great Axe of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Axe Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Hammer of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Hammer Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Fang Greave of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Hand to Hand Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Battle Axe of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Axe Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Moon Claw of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Hand to Hand Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Great Hammer of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Large Weapon Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Spear of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Celtic Spear Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Adze of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Piercing Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Hammer of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Blunt Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Blade of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Blades Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Scythe of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Scythe Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%


Artifacts and Researchers

– There was a bug that was allowing players on Gaheris and Mordred to turn in certain locked artifacts to other realms’ researchers. Because the researchers are set up to only deal with their realm’s players, they would not accept the completed book from players of other realms. This left these players thinking they were now stuck, their artifact gone, and the activation quest pending. Players in this situation should take their completed book to their realm’s researcher and turn it in to receive their activated artifact. From now on, players on Gaheris and Mordred will only be able to turn in their locked artifacts to their own realm’s researchers.

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