Camelot Patch Notes

Straight from the Camelot Herald:


Dark Age of Camelot

Test Version 1.68a Release Notes

January 20, 2004



– Monsters that previously awarded master level experience on a scale based upon your current master level no longer check that requirement. This will result in players always receiving the maximum allowed master level experience possible for each kill.

– Fixed the spell, ‘Aura of Magic’, and the delve to ‘Feather Fall’ on the Cloudsong artifact.

– Fixed archery bonuses (range and haste) to work properly with requirements (such as artifact levels).

– Fixed display of experience remaining on artifacts, so that the experience counter always resets to 0% remaining after each new level instead of displaying “50% exp earned towards level 2” immediately after getting the first level.

– Omni-Lifedrain spells (special lifedrain abilities on certain artifacts that drain life, power, and endurance) now fail if the user is at full life, power, and endurance (previously it would fail if the user was at full life, regardless of power/endurance levels).

– Items that raise Acuity score cap now correctly raise the cap for items that raise the individual score (+Intelligence, +Empathy, etc); previously Acuity score cap items only worked with +Acuity bonus items.

– Items with global melee resist no longer print the resist value twice.

– Rings with use timers will now decrement properly (previously rings with timers would be stuck at 15 minutes until they could be used and never be usable).

– Powerdrain spells (including the Convoker ML ability, Power Trap) will no longer print erroneous damage messages to players who have 0 power.

– Fixed delve on ‘Wave of Healing’ to indicate that the target must be in the caster’s line of sight to be healed.

– Necromancers in shade mode must be within 100u of their pet when casting storms.

– Necromancers casting petcast spells now check of line of sight visibility instead of forward arc checks. This should solve a good deal of problems with necromancer pet usability.

– We have replaced the druid’s tree pet with a black bear. This change should eliminate the problems many druids had with the tree pet interfering with visibility and targeting.

– You can no longer place a Prescience Node unless the caster has line of sight to the ground target. Please note that this change was implemented in test version 1.67j but has not gone to live servers.

– A recast timer has been added to the Pulsing Blade Turn spells for Wardens, Theurgists, and Runemasters. Once a target receives a “bubble”, they will be ineligible to receive another one for 2.5 seconds. When spell pulses are turned on in the text window, a failure notice will be returned to the target if PBT tries to place a second bubble within 2.5 seconds. This failure notice should allow groups with two 6 second PBT classes to synchronize their PBT more easily. Please note that this change was implemented in test version 1.67j but has not gone to live servers.

– If a DoT spell is cast from an object with a caster (such as a rune), it is treated as being cast by that object’s caster when the effect is placed on the victim.

– If the weapon you are attempting to perform a style with will always fail by trying to drain more fatigue than you have (in the case of the Faultfinder style), you will see the following message: “Your weapon is too slow to perform the xxxx style!”

– All DD/Snare and DD/Debuff spells will now delve correctly.

– Shields now display their DPS in the delve window.

– Guard death messages will no longer have an extra linefeed at the end.

– (PvP Only) The Warlord ML ability Bolstering Battlecry now only heals the correct friendly targets (groupmate/guildmate/battlegroup member) on PvP servers.

– Ground Targets should now appear at the current player level when you are underwater, instead of going to the ocean floor.

– Fixed a bug where /stick and /follow were breaking too easily while going up and down hills.

– You may now bind game actions to the ‘extra’ mouse buttons on the side of many newer mouse models (referred to as ‘Mouse4’ and ‘Mouse5’).

– (TOA Only) The options menu will now contain a list of valid resolutions for your monitor/video card, to support newer widescreen-style monitors.

– (TOA Only) The Master Level window now contains ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ buttons to allow you to page through all 9 master level trials to see which steps you have and have not completed. You can also enter ‘/master #’ to jump to a specific trial #.

– Personal boats will now have the owner’s guild emblem on the sail.


– To allow players to better bind their keys to player abilities, we’re introducing a system of ‘Quickbinding’. This allows you to bind any free keyboard key to a particular quickbar slot.

– These bind to a particular slot, so changing what is in the slot will change what the keypress does. You may only assign quickbinds to keys which do not yet have any action mapped to them in the normal keyboard config screen. These quickbinds are saved on a per-character basis.

(To bind a new key) /qbind bar# slot#

(To get rid of a keybinding) /qunbind bar# slot#

(To see all your current bindings) /qbind

– For example, if you put Quickcast on page 10, slot #5 of your quickbar, and wanted to bind a key to it, you would enter: /qbind 10 5

– You would be prompted to press the key to bind this ability to.


– (TOA Only) We have added a new Quiver Window to allow archer classes to manage their arrows more easily. There are 4 additional inventory slots on your backpack to place arrows in, and you can pick which arrow will be used to fire next. If there are no arrows in your quiver, it will draw out of your backpack as it always has. Type /quiver to bring up the new window.


– The combat styles window, the Spec/Ability window, and the Bank/House Vault window have now been converted to XML.

– The compass can once again be set to fully transparent (0 alpha).


– Custom windows now remember if they are showing or not between zoning.

– The compass window and performance meter windows no longer need to be open for the adapter values to be updated.

– The ‘DontDrawWhenZero’ flag has been added for VerticalStatusBarDefs

– Ten more custom windows have been added, named custom10_window through custom19_window.

– A scalar adapter for combat mode has been added, called “combat_mode”.

– New XML Files – stats_spec_abil_window.xml, stats_combat_window.xml, vault_window.xml, vault_chooser.xml

– Modified XML Files – master_level_window.xml

– As with all updates to our UI modding system, this could cause problems with some custom skins. Any time you experience a user interface problem using a custom UI, please switch back to a prebuilt skin before treating it as a bug.


– We have enhanced the ambient sounds in each realm’s capital city.


– Recipes have been added to the Hibernia Metalworking that will allow crafters to make trinkets that use strips.

– The rag doll, bedroll pillow, and scarf trinkets will no longer sell back to vendors for 100% return. Instead, the return value on these trinkets should be in line with other trinkets (98% return).

Item Notes

– Items with ablative procs and charges should now have a spell effect and buff icon to indicate when the effect has been triggered.

– The Cath Helm (Hibernia) has had its stat bonus changed from Intelligence to Dexterity.

– The Faded Gloves (Albion) should now have the correct inventory icon.

– Several common loot drops found in Keltoi Fogou have been made stackable by popular demand.

– The Aqueous Vest (Albion) has had its salvage value increased slightly to match vests of similar value.

– Cuuldurach’s Remains, Golestandt’s Remains, and Gjalpinulva’s Remains now have a power level set to 35 for battle group treasury assignment.


Item Notes

– The Charmed String Ring (Midgard) has been changed to be equipped in the ring slot as opposed to your jewelry slot.

– All Named drops from Trollheim, Avalon City, and Fomor should now have procs/charges (and weapon effects, where appropriate). This will affect pre-existing items.

– Nesnuir’s Gloves (Midgard) have had the shield bonus changed to a melee haste bonus as no Midgard Studded wearers can spec in shield.

– Weapons that are dyable will now display as such in the delve information.

– Weapon enamels have been granted a level of 50, so that they may be used in the battlegroup treasure system.

– Selected level 50 and 51 bows found in the Classic and Shrouded Isles zones have been granted offensive procs. For bows selected that already had a charged effect, this change will not be retroactive.

– Balor’s Remains, Xanxicar’s Remains, and Nosdoden’s Remains now have a power level set to 35 for battle group treasury assignment.

– Xanxicar should now drop the appropriate amount of items.


Hibernia Remnant Zone

– Shaiee should no longer spawn on top of her tent or in the middle of the ocean. Her adventurous days are over and she has agreed to return to her normal job inside her tent.

Quests – General

– Fruth, in the tents near the Hall of Heroes, needs someone to help him with some errands.

– Verica, in the Ruins of Atlantis, is seeking assistance in obtaining an item which will help her journey into Atlantis in search of her father.

– Oktava, in Ruinerar Atlantis, is seeking assistance in obtaining an item which will help her journey into Atlantis in search of her father.

– Athiela, in Scrios de Atlantis, is seeking assistance in obtaining an item which will help her journey into Atlantis in search of her father.

Oceanus Quests

– Players may now use the Janni Powder to combine their objects for the Naxos Society Quest (level 30-39).

– Stolen History – Paladins should now be able to use the Melos Braided Pearl Necklace.

Volcanus Quests

– The Great Forge – Sanura can no longer be charmed.

Oceanus Encounters

– Battlegroups should now receive credit for killing the Naxos Tidal Lord.

– The Phoebus Harp encounter no longer awards credit to just one player in the group or battlegroup.

Stygia Encounters

– Scarab Wing Vest – Players must now be level 46 to speak to Tey and create the Magical Scarab-wing Gloves.

– Setian guards now have the appropriate Setian faction settings.

Volcanus Encounters

– The mez spell cast by the Elite Taur Defenders has been changed so it is now on an immunity timer.

Aerus Encounters

– Upon killing Ghita, each player associated with the battlegroup should now receive one token as opposed to a number equivalent to the players in the battlegroup.

– Upon turning in the items to Kratos, all players associated with the battlegroup should receive credit.

– Fixed an issue where Ibn would go into an unkillable state.

Sobekite Eternal

– When choosing the Horror encounter, Djedkare will now indicate to players that only 16 people will be rewarded for completing the encounter.

Temple of Twilight

– The non-trial related monsters in the Temple of Twilight will now respawn at a slower rate, allowing players to move through the dungeon with greater ease.

Deep Volcanus

– A bug that could, under particular circumstances, cause the Katorii encounter to get stuck for a few hours has been fixed.

– Players who find themselves dead at the end of any of the four Mediator Challenge encounters will have their corpses ported back to the Mediator that they spoke with to begin the encounter. This will allow players a chance to be resurrected rather than having to /release to bindpoint.

City of Aerus Encounters

– Generator Operators should be slightly easier to take down before they reach their destination.

Artifact Notes

– We have fixed a bug that prevented Scouts from receiving the activated Guard of Valor from the Scholars.

– We have fixed a bug that prevented Friars from receiving the activated Aten’s Shield from the Scholars.

Crocodile’s Tear Ring

– Up until now, the Crocodile’s Tear Ring has been inadvertantly granted to healing classes – the NPC who creates the artifact does not include healing classes in his text dialog, but accepts the artifact pieces anyways. The classes who fall into this category are: Clerics, Friars, Healers, Shaman, Wardens, and Druids. This has led to some balance problems with some healing classes’ spells combined with the level 10 ability of that artifact. Instead of removing the Crocodile Tear Ring totally from these classes, we are giving them the chance of keeping the ring, but the level 10 ability for that artifact will not be available for those classes.

– If you are a Cleric, Friar, Healer, Shaman, Warden or Druid that has already activated the Crocodile’s Tears Ring and no long wish to keep it, you may return it to Scholars Shamira or Khalial in Albion, Loremistresses Margit or Vendela in Midgard, and Sages Linyive or Narvla in Hibernia. They will give the above classes a locked version of the Crocodile’s Tears Ring as well as a copy of Tyrus’ Epic Poem so that they may sell or trade these items. Players may only perform this return once.

Item Notes

– Players will now be able to trade the skiff, Elvish Caravel, British Cog, and Viking Longship.

– We have fixed some problems where the monsters in Necropolis were not dropping scrolls correctly.

– Loukas’ Journal, Vol. 1 and 2 will now correctly display the partial story when interacted with.

– Scepter of the Meritorious is now set to the correct duration and the pulsing effect was removed.

– The Maddening Scalars level ten spell will now correctly shape-change the player and cast the buff spell.

– All weapons summoned by the Crocodile Tooth Dagger will now be the correct level.

– Mariasha’s Sharkskin gloves will now fire both the damage over time and the disease spell correctly.

– The Band of Stars will now correctly cast the shapechange, bolt, and debuff portions of the level ten spell.

– Bence’s Letter, 1 of 3 was dropping from rare and difficult to reach mobs. The scroll has been added to setian sandscryers, setian tremorlings, and setian sandstrutters that are more accessible and common.

– Dream Gem scrolls can now be sold as there is not a corresponding artifact.

– The Ancient Transmuter now sells greater infectious serum instead of greater lethal venom.

– Weapon enamels have been granted a level of 50, so that they may be used in the battlegroup treasure system.

– Weapons that are dyable will now display as such in the delve information.

– The blank bonus on Akil’s Fury (Hibernia) has been set to a Dexterity bonus.

– The Empathy bonus on the Whirling Song Leggings (Hibernia) has been replaced with a Charisma bonus.

– The Hammer of the Scaled now has the correct chance to proc as well as a particle effect.

– The Dreadfin Dire Sword now has the correct chance to proc.

– The Oceanus chests will no longer create level 43 two-handed axes for Warriors.

– The duplicate Slash Resist bonus on the Worked Wormhide Bracer has been changed to Spirit Resist.

– The Miasmic Sword (Midgard) will now give a bonus to Sword instead of Two-handed.

– The Qebehsenuef’s Leggings of Dread (Midgard) now has a bonus to Piety Cap instead of a bonus to Intelligence Cap.

– The duplicate Strength bonus on the Cudgel of the Whispering Wind (Albion) has been changed to a Constitution Bonus.

– The melee haste bonus on the Lightning Etched Vest (Hibernia) has been changed from 0% to the correct value.

– The Bow of Apollo (Midgard) now grants a bonus to Composite Bow instead of Longbow

– The Runed Wind-wrought Pants (Albion studded) now use enamel dyes instead of leather dyes

– The Gloves of the Cryth (Hibernia) no longer have a requirement for the bonus to healing effectiveness.

– The Mace of the Zenith (Hibernia) should now look like and be wielded as a 1 handed mace.

– The Ethereal Phoesbus Harp (Hibernia) should now be equipable by Bards and should no longer give the “you have no skill in that weapon” message.

– The Magus Staff of the Chasm, Magus Staff of the Gale, Magus Staff of the Blaze, and Magus Staff of the Depths can now be recharged.

– The Lightning Etched Studded Vest (Albion) has had its bonus to melee combat speed increased to 5% from 0%.

– Sadri the Traitor (Midgard) should no longer drop staves with bonuses to piercing.

– Hapy’s Jewel of Dread has had its Piety bonus changed to an Acuity stat bonus.

– The Cyclopean Cloud Skewer (Midgard) has had its stats changed to be appropriate for a hunter instead of casters.

– The Echo of Imsety (Stygia) should now drop Scale armor instead of chain for Hibernian players.

– The Hib and Mid versions of the Azar’s Guard shield have had their reactive proc changed to a charged ability to bring them in line with the more useful Albion version. This will affect pre-existing items, but they will start with zero charges and need to be recharged.

– Hapy’s Jewel of Dread (Hibernia) now increases the acuity stat instead of piety.

– Imsety’s Gloves of Dread (Hibernia) now increase intelligence instead of piety.

– The Choker of the Zephyr now increases power percentage in place of a duplicate power cap bonus.

– The Ring of the Deep (quest-related item) now has the proper ring inventory icon.

– The Goddess Necklace (all realms) can no longer be held in a weapon slot.


– New Trials of Atlantis bonuses are now available for searches via the Market Explorer.

– We have added ambient sounds to the player housing market areas, stables, and forges.

– Esbeth, the Tailor Tradeskill Master in the Arothi marketplace will now correctly promote players to the next tradeskill level.

Trials of Atlantis Trophies

– Players can now make trophies from the 9 final Trial encounter monsters, as well as barracudas from the waters of Atlantis. New taxidermists and apprentice taxidermists have been added to the housing zones in each realm to create the trophies. Speak to the following NPCs in the housing zones to create your trophies for Cetus, the Runihura, Medusa, Martikhoras, Ammut, the Chimera, Typhon, Talos, and the Phoenix. The apprentice taxidermists will create barracuda trophies.

Albion – Ectant Dinailaine, Ilphrae Dinailaine, Jhanva Dinailaine, Airyn Dinailaine, Ybaedric Dinailaine

Midgard – Frolder, Warmir, Hudi, Thieya, Aenda

Hibernia – Sannan, Sabrea, Sionyn, Sadoc, Sioned


– Players on the PvP and PvE servers will now get the option to teleport to all three major Realm Frontier Gates when using the Djinn Stones in Atlantis.

– The Albion Decorator for the Mordred and Gaheris servers should now have a Grandmaster Merchant token available to purchase.

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