Camelot Patch Notes

Straight from the Camelot Herald:


Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.66z Test Release Notes

November 12, 2003



– Dead members of battlegroups will now receive quest and kill credit as long someone in the battlegroup gets credit, if the monster is set up to give battlegroup credit. This will primarily effect Atlantis encounters at this time.

– Items that add to the stat cap for acuity now actually do so.

– Items that add to the stat cap for any casting stat (acuity or specific) now add to the owner’s power pool if their casting stat is raised as a result of raising the stat cap.

– When a monster is considered, a message is now displayed telling you if master level experience can be gained by killing that monster.


Quests – General

Story Scrolls

– Clues have been added to the following uncombined scrolls to indicate which artifact a particular scroll is related to: Eirene’s Journal, Alvarus’ Letters, Bellona’s Diary, Kalare’s Memoirs, Advisor’s Log, Tyrus’ Epic Poem, Dysis’ Tablet, Adnes’ Letters, Mariasha’s Wall, the Fish Scales, Wooden Triptych, Spear’s History, King’s Vase, Marricus’ Journal, Julea’s Story, Loukas’ Journal, Vara’s Medical Log, King Kiron’s Notes, Tarin’s Animal Skin, Carved Tablet, A Love Story, Damyon’s Journal, and the Champion’s Notes.

Volcanus Encounters

– Azar has been adjusted slightly to better meet the target difficulty of her encounter.


Sobekite Eternal

– The mechanism that Runihura uses to count the number of players in different locations in the room to fire off the spike traps has been revamped. It would often over-count the number of players in a given location inside of the temple thus Runihura would fire the spike traps where he shouldn’t normally. The counts will now be accurate. Be warned that he will still fire the traps off where there are clusters of players inside of the temple.

Temple of Twilight

– Credit for the “Glowing Barracuda” quest should now correctly be given upon the death of the barracuda. Players who have not received credit can kill the barracuda again to be given credit correctly.

– The Darid Gremna Eel stomach should now drop more frequently.

Item Notes

– Cynere`s Rough Skin now correctly equips as a helm.

– The weapon procs on the Fiery Defender Shields for Albion and Hibernia have been changed to reactive procs.

– The +Staff skill on the Dreadfin Dire Hammer has been changed to +Hammer.

– The second Spirit resist on the Eye of Bast has been changed to Energy resist.

– Ancient Forged Vest for Berserkers will use the proper Atlantis graphics.

– Midgard’s version of the studded Cinder Tainted Sleeves has been changed to use +Melee Skill All.

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