Camelot Hot Fixes

Straight from the Camelot Herald:


– The Convoker ability Speedwarp now has the appropriate recast timer.

– The Convoker ability Summon Wood now has the appropriate recast timer.



– We have fixed a bug that was preventing Minstrels and Mercenaries from obtaining the Winged Helm from Scholar Leron and Scholar Ailgean.

– We have fixed a bug that was preventing Heroes from obtaining the Golden Spear from Sage Miodac and Sage Deavin.

– We have fixed a bug that was prevening Thanes from obtaining the Shades of Mist Cloak from Loremistresses Marga and Hetha.

– We have fixed a bug that was preventing Nightshades and Rangers from getting the Shades of Mist Cloak from Sage Girom and Sage Aideena.

– The pages of Damyon’s Journal will now correctly combine.

– Hjerton (Midgard) in the Haven of Aerus now has the correct stores.

Volcanus Quests

– The Defenders of Gaa’rvik should no longer have any problems reaching players, no matter where they are attacked from.

Oceanus Encounters


– Upon Desmona’s death, all harpies on the island will not spawn for a period of 30 seconds. If you are holding a Revelation Token, at that time you will be informed of its destruction and the time limit imposed.

Stygia Encounters

Fortress of Storms

– A pathing related issue would occasionally cause the forts to catch fire on the outside of the walls. Because of this, a couple of fires could go unnoticed and be repaired by laborers. This behavior caused the perception that the forts were mysteriously repopulating. To combat this, the burn radius of the forts has been tightened so that the fires stay away from (and inside) the walls.


– Adult scorpions required for this encounter should be a bit more frequent.

Volcanus Encounters

– A bug that could cause Erinys Charms story encounter to get stuck was fixed.


Sobekite Eternal

– Chaths will now rebuild his statues faster.

Item Notes

– The Dream Sphere abilities are now usable by necromancers in shade form.

– The Stars of Destiny are now set to level 50 to allow them to follow the battlegroup loot system.

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