Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has once again posted her weekly Grab Bag Q&A on the Camelot Herald, this time answering questions about the Herald statistics, guild functions, and more. A snip:

Q: With the addition of dual-core technology on the market and quad-core upcoming in 2007, does Mythic have any plans to start taking advantage of this technology or at the very least make the game compatible with this soon standard technology? There are already issues with dual-core and workarounds needed every time you start the game, are these going to be addressed?

A: So, yeah, I sent this to the Lord of the Underworld, especially because I was concerned about the problems you mention. In regards to the compatibility issue, he replied:

“There shouldn’t be any problems with DAOC and dual core systems. DAOC itself isn’t multi-threaded (it doesn’t try to do two or more things at exactly the same time), so if you’re getting crashes it’s probably due to some other system component that the game interacts with (a device driver most likely). If you’re getting blue screens or system reboots it’s definitely a device driver (or hardware) problem. My suspicion is that tech support has probably dealt with this frequently in the last few months.” – fill that puppy out for a response from the team within 72 business hours, usually much faster.

In terms of our future plans, I really couldn’t say. I’m not hiding anything from you, it’s that I really couldn’t say – I intentionally only keep track of what will immediately affect you guys within the next few months, and this is not one of those things. However, we always try to design for the machine that we think will be one step below the top when our game or expansion goes on sale. And that would mean we’re certainly going to have this kind of technology in mind as we work on designs in the coming year.

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