Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has once again posted her weekly Grab Bag Q&A on the Camelot Herald, this time answering questions about Champion levels, the three-second style window, and more. A snip:

Q: Hey there, I just created a necromancer and I noticed that strength is highlighted as an important starting stat. What does strength do for a necromancer? I can’t really figure out what it does unless it increases the pet damage. Thanks for any answers you can provide!

A: Inherent stats (or attributes, or whatever you like to call the stats that you set at character creation) and most buffs cast on the necro do not pass through to the necro pet, according to the programmer who started his reply with “As NecroCoder in residence (WISE FWOM YOUR GWAVE).”

The Code Warrior went on to say, “Bonuses from items do, as do spell-casting related stats (since in many ways the necromancer is considered to be casting the spell “through” its pet).”

Strength as the tertiary stat is just a default setting, really, because the necromancer only has two attributes truly essential to his performance – intelligence and dexterity.

For new players: Every character has three highlighted stats on the character creation screen. These stats are what we consider to be the most important stats for your character, and the ones where we suggest you assign your starting points. These are also the stats that automatically grow along with you as you level. HOWEVER, please note that there are some classes with, um, well, mistakes. You should consult, choose your potential class from the list, and read your eyes out before making final decisions.

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