Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has once again posted her weekly Grab Bag Q&A on the Camelot Herald, this time answering questions about relics, realm point formulas, artifact macros, and more. Here’s a taste:

Q: Wasn’t sure how to submit for the grab bag, but here is my question.

1.81e mentions the recall stones with the following rewards for time:

3 months: personal bind recall
6 months: personal house recall
12 months: guild house recall

Will the 6 month personal house stones work for any toon on the account or just the house owner like the current teleporting system works?

A: It will work just like the existing system.

Having it work for any toon on the account is a frequently requested feature, but one that has proven problematic to develop for many reasons. Rest assured that I have passed on your feedback requesting it work as an option for all of the characters on an account. If it becomes possible (and as always “possible” is just shorthand for “possible with our team and resources”), it could happen.

Also, astute readers noticed that this feature was in the 1.81E Test notes, but not in the 1.81 Live notes. That’s because it was a separate process connected to account billing, and not actually related to the patch. We had plans to launch the patch and the reward on the same day, but ultimately thought better of messing with all the databases on the same day. (“We can be taught.”) There are also some things we couldn’t start until the servers were back up.

We will have the system live next Monday, barring the unforeseen.

But as a side note – the system is based on how many months, total, you have been an active subscriber. That means there may be some bobbles if your account is free for some reason, such as being a volunteer, a reporter, or a contest winner. We flagged you guys by hand, and by we, I mean the Lord of the Underworld aka Andrew. If you do not have access to the loyalty rewards because your account is free, please send a technical support form so that we can flag your account properly.

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