Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has once again posted her weekly Grab Bag Q&A on the Camelot Herald, this time addressing questions about purchasing items in bulk, character copying, and more. Here’s a bit to start you off:

Q: Team lead report status?

A: As I told the team leads earlier this week, the meetings (where I read each line item out loud) are finally finished! Now Missy and I are writing up the feedback and sorting it back into the reports.

I know it’s taken forever. The thing is, I think it’s better to read the items aloud (rather than pretend that overscheduled devs already burning the midnight oil will magically have time to go through hundreds of items), and I much prefer to do that reading to the ladies and gentlemen who make the decisions (as opposed to people who have to get approval and can’t act without it). It means that the meetings revolve around the schedules of very busy people who wear many hats, and we have to do the meetings in an hour here and an hour there.

Missy and I are going to be gone for most of next week for the annual trade show in California, but after that, we won’t be working on anything but these TL reports. The light is indeed on at the end of the tunnel.

The feedback is actually behind the process – the first batch of class changes to come out of the reports is already on the internal testing server. They will hit Pendragon within the next month.

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