Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has once again posted her weekly Grab Bag Q&A on the Camelot Herald. This week, she addresses questions about dragon respawns, autotraining, the free level system, and more. An excerpt:

Q: I wanted to trade in my Battler artifact weapon for a different type of weapon. I gave it to the trade-in NPC, and I didn’t get the type of weapon I wanted. Is this a bug?

A: No. If you right click the turn-in NPC, you will be told what sort of weapon type you’ll get. So don’t just hand your artifact over, be sure to carefully read what you’ll get in return.

Generally speaking, you should read what the NPC tells you before giving him anything. Make sure he’ll give you something back. Accidentally giving say, a guard, your favorite artifact weapon means that the guard now has a nice artifact weapon, and he will NOT give it back to you. And it’s not like the guard has a backpack we can’t take it from him.

Also, please note that the (turn in) NPCs are only there for players who earned artifacts before we put in patches that changed the artifacts or added artifact options. For example – let’s say that in January, you got an artifact that gave you a sword. In May, we changed the artifact to give you either a sword or a hammer and we also put in an NPC that would let you change your sword to a hammer. But if your friend earned the same artifact in July, he would NOT be able to turn in his sword and get a hammer, because he had – and made – the choice when he got the artifact in the first place.

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