Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has once again posted her weekly Grab Bag Q&A on the Camelot Herald. This week, she addresses questions about features mentioned in this week’s State of the Game article, lag in Trials of Atlantis, easter eggs, and more. An excerpt:

Q: In Matt Firor’s post, he mentioned a free level in a seven day period as a reward for leveling. I don’t entirely understand the concept.

A: Neither did I, so don’t feel bad. Here’s how it is currently designed to work but as you read, be aware that this is just a design. It might end up changing, or it might work differently.

When you level up, the game will look and see if you have already leveled within the last seven days. If you did not, and this is your first level in a seven day period, you’ll automatically get a free level. That’s all there is to it.

1_2_3_4_5_6_7DING! = +1 level, for a total of two levels.

1_2_3DING_4_5_6_7DING! = No bonus level, for a total of one each time.

You do NOT get a free level for each level you get in a seven day period, so don’t think that powerleveling through twenty levels in a week means a total of forty levels in one week.

Also, you don’t need to earn ALL the experience of one level in any particular seven day period. Let’s say you’re a slow leveling goober who dies a lot. Me, for example. I’ve been what feels like two bubbles from my next level for three weeks now. If I finally manage to level up, under this new system, I’d get my free level, even though I only got two bubbles during the specific week. The system won’t look for when the experience was earned it’ll just see the ding, check the past seven days, and award me the free level if it sees no ding in that period. Ta da!

Benefits at the low levels, when a level every day or every two days is possible, the ones who cannot log in as often will not lag so far behind their (every night) friends (though very little on this earth can prevent some delay). And at the high levels, when no one can complete a level in a week without special help or a particular sort of guild, more casual players will also receive a boost.

Again, this is just the design, gang. Don’t assume that’s how it will work until you try it for yourself on Pendragon.

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