Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has once again posted her weekly Grab Bag Q&A on the Camelot Herald. This week, she addresses questions about siege recipes, crafting merchant locations, artifact drop rates, and more. An excerpt:

Q: I followed the link about the Come Back to Camelot campaign, and noticed a sweepstakes with some nifty prizes. But I’m not returning, I’ve been a customer forever. Am I not allowed to enter the contest?

A: You ARE allowed to enter the sweepstakes for a chance to win the different prize packs. Returning players who take part in the promotion are automatically entered, but everyone else just needs to follow a specific link on the contest page.

By the way, let me clarify a couple things on that page. First, those are prize packages. The grand prize winner wins the spectacular video card AND the free lifetime account AND all the other stuff. The second prize winner wins the free six months AND the swag. And so forth.

Second, the disclaimer at the bottom of the page is strictly a CYA thing on our part. If a giant slug from outer space happened to worm its way into the underground bunker (protected by police dogs and surface to air missiles) where we keep our game servers, and we were unable to offer the game three months from when the winners are announced, the winner of the six month free subscription would not be entitled to a cash payment worth the value of the unused and unattainable three months. So, if you win, pray that our planet is not assaulted by giant space slugs.

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